Written by Claire Cunningham

Okay. Raise your hand if you think brand management is just for BIG companies (like Target, McDonalds or Ford.) Wow! That's a lot of hands! Well, guess what? You're all wrong.

Brand issues are important to ALL companies forrepparttar simple reason that people buy from other people. People have personalities. Branding establishes and communicates a company's personality (sometimes referred to as company image.)

Think about YOUR company. What personality or image do you want to present to customers and prospects? Should it be warm, friendly, and down-to-earth? Polished, knowledgeable, and sophisticated?

Does your company’s current logo and literature design reflectrepparttar 120951 image you want to present? Is your company's personality presented consistently in all forms of communication?

It's Better to Ask than Assume (The Power of Market Research.)

Written by Claire Cunningham

©It’s Better to Ask than Assume. (The Power of Market Research.)

No doubt about it. Smart marketing takes finesse. Nowhere is that truism more apt than in message definition. If you want to craft a compelling message, you need to understand your prospective buyer’s motivation.

I had a boss once whose favorite saying was "Don't assume. It makes an ass out of you and me." Drove me nuts, but you know what? It stuck. It was meaningful, memorable (although corny,) and it was repeated. (A meaningful and memorable message is more likely to stick withrepparttar audience. Repetition imbeds a message inrepparttar 120950 brain.)

The communications lesson inherent in this saying is "know your audience." If you want your promise (message) to be meaningful, you need to understand what's important to prospective buyers of your product or service.

If you've been working in a particular industry or market segment for a while, you may think you know what's important. And you may be right. But why not ask and confirm your thinking? You'll get your information "straight fromrepparttar 120951 horse's mouth," and you'll avoid relying on potentially dangerous assumptions.

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