Definition of an American: A Brief Glimpse of Patriotism by C. Bailey-Lloyd What is Patriotism? According to Merriam-Webster DictionaryŽ , a Patriot is defined as such: "one who loves his or her country and supports its authority and interests."
Recently, it has come to my attention that due to expanding political views, definition of an American Patriot or American Patriotism is being questioned by all parties of American political spectrum. So what does define a "real" American Patriot? Let's take a look into 'real' American history.
A good example of 'real' American Patriotism dates back to 1765. At that time, our country was being lead by British government. Phrases like, "If this be treason, make most of it," and "Give me liberty or give me death" arose from a 'real' American patriot, Patrick Henry. A Political leader in American Revolution, Patrick Henry denounced many of our "American" laws of time, and was responsible for developing first 10 amendments of our US Constitution. Patriot or not?
1776 brought us Nathan Hale. Mr. Hale was famed for spying on our 'then' British-ruled country; was captured by British and prior to his hanging said, "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." Patriot or not?
Then we have Chief of Shawnee - Tecumseh. Chief Tecumseh believed that all Native American land was common possession of all Native Americans, and that land could not rightly be ceded by, or purchased from, an individual tribe. Becoming allies with 'original' American government - British, Tecumseh commanded a massive force of Native Americans in siege of Fort Meigs. He later lost his life during battle of Thames, led by General William Henry Harrison. Patriot or not?
Blackhawk, a Sauk Indian (Native American) was forced to fight white militia and US Federal troops in 1832 over land. As a "war trophy," our then President, Andrew Jackson made Blackhawk and his son prisoners and exploited them around our 'country,' as spoils of war. Even when Blackhawk passed away in 1838, white 'Americans' robbed his grave and stole his body. Patriot or not?
Sitting Bull, a less-talked about Patriot, fought US Army troops in 1800s. He faught against General George Armstrong Custer (over gold) in Black Hills of Dakota Territory. Sitting Bull's reason for his Patriotic acts: preserving a sacred area to many tribes. Patriot or not?
Crazy Horse, another Patriot, was a visionary leader who in 1867, fought and destroyed US Army brigade of William J. Fetterman at Fort Phil Kearny. In 1876, US Army ordered all Lakota bands confined to their American-bound reservations. Crazy Horse lead real 'American' revolution against US Army; joining forces with Sitting Bull, to become victorious at Little Bighorn. However, Crazy Horse was eventually forced to surrender in 1877 due to US military harassment and buffalo depletion. Murdered by US Military officers in September 1877, Crazy Horse was a true American. Patriot or not?
In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln in noted for his infamous Gettysburg Address, stating that, "...this nation under God shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of people by people, for people shall not perish from earth." President Lincoln went against grain of "normal" American life and American government via abolition of slavery. Patriot or not?