Fundamental Strategic Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

Written by Lee Traupel

This is a pretty tough global economy and it is critical for a company to leverage every bit of their marketing resources. So, if this isrepparttar case, why are so many companies shooting themselves inrepparttar 121207 proverbial foot by breaking some ofrepparttar 121208 most fundamental rules of marketing? It's a very simple question with complex answers - here are some ofrepparttar 121209 pitfalls to avoid:

1) Believing a second rate web site communicates integrity: So many web sites are just plain funky looking (graphics, text, menus, etc.) - nice professional term, but it's descriptive of some ofrepparttar 121210 dreck that passes for web site design. A company should not forget that perception is reality onrepparttar 121211 web and people aren't going to do business with a company that can't field a decent web site - end of story!

2) Deploying a marketing strategy that's all overrepparttar 121212 map: Is Yahoo a Search Engine, a Portal or a Hollywood Media company? They arerepparttar 121213 classic 3D hologram advertisement for a company that can't figure out what it wants to be when it grows up. A company must pick a marketing strategy and then stayrepparttar 121214 course - changing direction every timerepparttar 121215 wind shifts is not a good business strategy and creates more motion than action.

3) Forgetting real brand development: Branding becamerepparttar 121216 ".com" rallying cry for every newby wet behindrepparttar 121217 ears with an Internet dream to become a billionaire by selling dog food onrepparttar 121218 web (I'll leaverepparttar 121219 sock puppet out of this) - we all know this didn't work. But that does not mean a company should ignore brand development - it's important to remember that a good brand is built one marketing process at a time; everything that a company publishes, develops or communicate is part ofrepparttar 121220 brand building process, which in turn definesrepparttar 121221 company's market position.

4) Ignoring distribution channels by selling direct via an ecommerce web site: A company should not build and launch an ecommerce site and start selling direct to customers and forget about a distribution channel. It's imperative to giverepparttar 121222 customerrepparttar 121223 choice to buy direct from your company or locate a distribution channel partner via a look up capability onrepparttar 121224 site. And, if you really want to winrepparttar 121225 hearts and mind of a channel never sell below retail (SRP) - and affordrepparttar 121226 channelrepparttar 121227 opportunity to discount your product so they can compete effectively with you.

If Your Sales Need A Shot Of Adrenaline -- Maybe Your Easy Street Needs a Bump

Written by Hal Archer

All of us get complacent. Sales are going along at a nice pace, so we forget some ofrepparttar things that got us to easy street.

Some times it takes a bump or two on that street to get us back on keel. I know that's what happened to me a while back. Sales started to slide and I couldn't see why.

Then I sat down and went throughrepparttar 121206 memory book. I tried to figure out what I was doing wrong. I thought of this possibility and that possibility.

Then it came to me. It wasn't what I was doing wrong -- It was what I wasn't doing at all!

I thought back to when I was starting out, what did I do? It all started coming back to me. I wasn't promoting. I was just drifting.

The main thing I realized I had let fall byrepparttar 121207 way side wasrepparttar 121208 sizzle. How did I used to make it sizzle? Several ways - let's look at a few:

1. Userepparttar 121209 2 for 1 deal. If a customer bought one item they could pick another item atrepparttar 121210 same or lower price at no charge.

2. Give a 15% discount on orders of $100 or more.

3. Group products so they could pick any one of them for $5.

4. Run holiday specials. Everything onrepparttar 121211 web site 50% off on certain holidays.

5. If it was a high ticket offer, I'd letrepparttar 121212 customers use a payment plan - pay for it in three easy payments.

6. Offer a bonus coupon when they bought a product. The coupon would be towardrepparttar 121213 purchase of another product I sold.

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