Fun & Fruity Recipes

Written by Deborah Shelton

Sometimesrepparttar easiest way to get children to eat healthy is to let them have a hand in making their own snacks…and add whipped cream on top. Here are two fruity recipes that are fun and easy to make, and even more fun to eat.

Miniature Fruit Pizzas

1 package refrigerated sugar cookie dough 8 ounces softened cream cheese 1 cup confectioners' sugar Assorted fresh fruit, cut into bite size pieces, such as bananas, kiwis, oranges, blueberries, grapes, strawberries, pineapple, etc.

Directions: Cut sugar cookie dough into 1-inch slices and place on ungreased cookie sheet or pizza pan. Bake as directed, or until lightly browned aroundrepparttar 111279 edges. Allow repparttar 111280 cookies to cool.


Written by Jan McCracken

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Copyright, 2003 Jan McCracken mailto: 472 words


Ah, Christmas - what a Celebration! And do you know what celebration is? It is an instinct ofrepparttar 111280 heart! Christmas with red ribbons galore,repparttar 111281 aroma of fresh pine, gifts fromrepparttar 111282 heart, feasting together in merriment with music abounding and sorepparttar 111283 list goes on.

Stop and think with me a moment - think about allrepparttar 111284 centuries that we have celebrated Christmas even with threatening circumstances aroundrepparttar 111285 world and inrepparttar 111286 face of adversity!

Christmas has been celebrated since that cry came ringing down throughrepparttar 111287 ages, "Fear not, for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day inrepparttar 111288 City of David a aviour, which is Christrepparttar 111289 Lord."

Traditions sweetly cluster around this season of celebration withrepparttar 111290 ignificance ofrepparttar 111291 heart's intentions -repparttar 111292 yearning of our spirit to express hope, faith and love.

Take away this "intention" andrepparttar 111293 gift is BARE. It becomes just a touch of tinsel and a time with no meaning.

Faith, hope and love cannot be bought or sold but only given away. These arerepparttar 111294 wellsprings deep of Christmas celebration.

These gifts have no price tags. The ornaments cannot be imitated but are a unique discovery within one's self.

These special and wonderful gifts are not always easy to come by yet are unlimited in supply and withinrepparttar 111295 reach of all of us!

This Christmas change your "shopping list"! Have a look at this list and see if there is anything here that will fill your heart with celebration and touch your very soul - not just for Christmas but all year 'round!

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