Fun? What's That?

Written by Nancy R. Fenn

A client sent me this email recently. She wants to remain anonymous. See how you feel when you read this.

“I'm talking onrepparttar phone to CoachLady, my flaming extrovert ex-coach. It's so good to hear her voice again; it's been nearly a year. I’ve reconnected with her for some help on a current issue. We chat a little about this and that,repparttar 130707 past andrepparttar 130708 future. I have a warm feeling in my tummy. We talk for about 45 minutes. She stays onrepparttar 130709 surface, talks fast and says little, but I have time to philosophize aboutrepparttar 130710 future of my field, share some deep thoughts that have been percolating about a "Newsweek" article I recently read (it's my nickel after all), and then she says she has to go. I'm sad because I've enjoyed it so much, and she's always in a hurry, always got clients back-to-back. "And," she adds before she hangs up, "Let's definitely get together one day next week (now that this tedious phone call is over) for some FUN." “YIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My stomach cramps. No, please, not ... ‘fun.’ And, did she miss something? Weren't we just having fun? I was. What was she doing?” This scenario is reenacted allrepparttar 130711 time in school and business, any place extroverts and introverts interact. Does it remind you ofrepparttar 130712 saying, one man’s meat is another man’s poison?

The thing I’m concerned about is, CoachLady will never know how introverted client feels because introverted client is too ashamed to say anything. So CoachLady will go on perpetrating horrors on introverted client while introverted client thinks there’s something wrong with introverted client because she isn’t “fun-loving”.

Let’s try to understand each other a little better. What is fun anyway?

The Eight Most Common, Yet Frustrating Traits of the Arrogant Boss

Written by Marla Platt, BA, MBA

Is your or your boss’s determination to prove leadership ability unconsciously translated to an aggressive, know-it-all style? Do you find that management insists that you provide “the goods” but when it comes to lending support, they generally appear inaccessible?

What is arrogance, but an over-inflated sense of one’s position and value, combined with an attitude that somehow you are above everyone else? Such a self-absorbed, elevated sense of ones’ self can easily lead to a devaluing of what others have to offer, thereby undermining opportunities for sound sharing, feedback, support of management initiatives, etc. When people realize that no one is listening to them, they will naturally refrain from communication. Thus, arrogance atrepparttar top can be very costly to morale, productivity, and loyalty throughout all levels ofrepparttar 130705 organization.

Blinded by their own arrogance, such managers are pretty unlikely to perceive this quality about themselves, and most likely need an objective third party, like a mentor or coach, to open their eyes to a more constructive leadership style. While truthful, open evaluation of how one is perceived up and downrepparttar 130706 chain may be challenging to accept,repparttar 130707 result of not doing so may exact a costly toll to both employees andrepparttar 130708 organization itself. Investing in leadership competencies is one ofrepparttar 130709 essential steps in developing solid management. Building awareness, followed by good coaching and modeling, would serve to support a more positive, engaged leadership style.

Take a look atrepparttar 130710 eight following telltale signs indicating that a leader is in need of development around inter-personal attitudes:

1.Treats subordinates in such a way that devalues them in order to prop herself up. She thrives on her position inrepparttar 130711 hierarchy and lets everyone else know it.

2.Such a manager cultivates an atmosphere of intimidation, stifling others’ ability to collaborate, communicate, and share doubts or concerns. Characteristically, an arrogant manager comes across as inaccessible and potentially unapproachable, because they do not listen well to others.

3.Demands immediate results or rapid turnaround, disregardingrepparttar 130712 process of buy-in from others. Patience is a real challenge for this type of boss since she wants to look good now.

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