Fun Kid Party Balloon Games

Written by Anne-Marie Killer

Here are some kid party balloon game ideas your kid and his/her guests will love! Have lots of prizes forrepparttar winners.

These games are best played outdoors!

"Easy Teams" The kids have to line themselves up from shortest to tallest - BUT they are not aloud to talk! They may use gestures etc. but no talking. Once lined up, let alternate kids step forward. This is one team -repparttar 110644 kids remaining in line isrepparttar 110645 other team.

"Noserepparttar 110646 Balloon" Letrepparttar 110647 kids make teams of two. Each team gets a large balloon they must blow up. Between them, they must keeprepparttar 110648 balloon inrepparttar 110649 air bumping it only with their noses. Each time it falls onrepparttar 110650 ground they loose a point - each team starting with say 100 points. The team who takesrepparttar 110651 longest to loose all its points isrepparttar 110652 winner

"Passrepparttar 110653 Balloon" Each team gets a sausage balloon they must blow up. Linerepparttar 110654 teams up, givingrepparttar 110655 kid in front each a balloon. They must squeezerepparttar 110656 balloon between their knees, balloon pointing forward. Onrepparttar 110657 word go,repparttar 110658 kids must passrepparttar 110659 balloon torepparttar 110660 next kid inrepparttar 110661 line, without using hands and without dropping or popping it! A dropped balloon must be picked up using knees only. A popped balloon is replaced with a new one, butrepparttar 110662 team must start again. Have prizes forrepparttar 110663 winning team.

"Stomprepparttar 110664 Balloon" Each kid gets a balloon and a piece of string about a yard long. They must blow uprepparttar 110665 balloon and tierepparttar 110666 string torepparttar 110667 balloon and to his ankle. There should be enough string betweenrepparttar 110668 foot andrepparttar 110669 balloon. The kids must now try to stomp and pop each other's balloons. The winner isrepparttar 110670 last one with an un popped balloon.

"Balloon Relay" Each team gets 10 balloons. The first one to go in each team must blowrepparttar 110671 balloon up, then run to a marked line and then poprepparttar 110672 balloon by sitting on it or stomping it. Oncerepparttar 110673 balloon has popped they must run back and tagrepparttar 110674 next team member who repeatsrepparttar 110675 process. The winner isrepparttar 110676 team who has popped all its balloons first.

Praising Your Child Can Make A Difference

Written by Thomas A. Hilton, Jr

Formerly titled "When Should An Artist NOT Sign His Work".

I was faced with this question some years ago.

Allow me to back up for just a minute. Years ago, I bought one of Zig Ziglar's books on how to raise positive kids. I first bought this book because, like many fathers, I wanted to know how to raise and discipline my son whenrepparttar time came. Little did I know that this book didn't deal so much withrepparttar 110643 actions ofrepparttar 110644 son, but more withrepparttar 110645 actions ofrepparttar 110646 parents! It wasn't long before I started exercising certain techniques in that book, and noticed they were actually molding my son right before my eyes.

My son was not into drugs, didn't stay out all night and really never gave his mother and I any problems. Oh…did I mention that my son was only 5 years old atrepparttar 110647 time? What you are about to read might surprise you, but I feel that it very well could inspire some of you as parents, not to mention some of your children.

Because my son was an only child, he learned to pacify himself by either watching TV or doodling on paper. We made sure he had allrepparttar 110648 favorite cartoon movies children liked to watch. It wasn't long before we noticed that our son would watch TV for only a short time before he would go find his toys, which wererepparttar 110649 small characters in his movies. He would place these toys in front of him with crayon and paper close by, and continue to watchrepparttar 110650 movies while slowly trying to drawrepparttar 110651 characters.

One ofrepparttar 110652 techniques that Zig Ziglar mentioned in this book -- I'll have to be honest here, itsrepparttar 110653 only technique that really stood out in my mind; I can't rememberrepparttar 110654 others, but I still have that book -- was to praiserepparttar 110655 child. But wait! It was to praiserepparttar 110656 child to other adults in such a way thatrepparttar 110657 child just happened to be within hearing range. It's one thing to receive praise yourself, but to overhear your parents bragging on you to people onrepparttar 110658 phone or inrepparttar 110659 other room -- it seems to have a far greater impact. I think we all can relate to that, even as adults.

Back torepparttar 110660 title of this little story. "When should an Artist NOT sign his work?" My answer is when he's only 7 years old, and his handwriting is larger thanrepparttar 110661 picture he just finished. See, as we continued to praise Kyle for his artwork, it wasn't long before he was calling himself an Artist, (he believed it with his whole heart) because he overheard us call him that to others. I had already taught him to sign his artwork, because all Artists signed their work.

We had pictures of Darkwing Duck, and every cartoon super hero, pasted all over our refrigerator door. Then something happened. I particularly noticed one picture he drew with a pencil (not a crayon) before he signed it. The picture was of " Pinocchio," and he drew it while looking atrepparttar 110662 cover of one of his movies. I instantly fell in love with it and didn't want him to ruin it by signing it. (Remember, his handwriting hadn't had as much practice as his art ).

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