Full Spectrum Daylight Bulbs – Simply light years ahead!

Written by Tzaf

Sunlight is a vital nutrient, which regulatesrepparttar activity ofrepparttar 114285 hypothalamus gland that secretes seratonin, controlling our moods, biorythms, sleep patterns, body temperature, digestion and sex drive. In addition,repparttar 114286 photochemical action of sunlight on our skin activatesrepparttar 114287 production of vital Vitamin D essential for growth and maturation of cells,repparttar 114288 maintenance ofrepparttar 114289 bones and a healthy immune system.

Most of us don’t think of ourselves as light deficient yet research shows that even on an average overcast day our seratonin levels fall and we can become depressed, moody, irritable, gain weight from overeating, develop carbohydrate cravings, become insomniac or sleep excessively, suffer from lethargy and fatigue, lose our sex drive, lose concentration easily or just feel extra stressed.

Indeed most of us tend to be confined indoors in homes or at work – artificially lit with narrow spectrum, low intensity light for as much of 90% ofrepparttar 114290 day! A season-less perpetual twilight existence indoors day in- day out, its no wonder we get a yearning for natural sunlight and we instinctively pine for sunny holidays. Longer term,repparttar 114291 effects of this so called ‘light pollution’ puts stress onrepparttar 114292 body and eyes and may even compromiserepparttar 114293 body’s immune system.

Switch onrepparttar 114294 lights andrepparttar 114295 Biobulb Full Spectrum Electronic Daylight Bulbs safely and gently bathe you inrepparttar 114296 glow of mood enhancing, life giving ambient simulated daylight replacing those lost hours of daylight and helping to alleviate a whole range of conditions from anxiety, sleep problems, fatigue and low energy levels, depression, eyestrain, headaches, jet lag, libido, hyperactivity, irritability and give us drive, vitality, mental agility, alertness and energy to facerepparttar 114297 challenges ofrepparttar 114298 day. Research also shows full spectrum daylight can even help to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels as well as significantly increase cardiac output.

HairMax Beauty Treatment LaserComb.

Written by Tzaf

Why pay £4000.00 for laser hair restoration treatment? HairMax Lasercomb hair loss laser treatment. To re-invigorate, condition and re-vitalise hair.

HairMax Beauty Treatment LaserComb. Sends nourishing laser light energy into your hair to revitalise it and improve its condition. Your hair will thicken, strengthen and become healthier with better quality. Its that simple!

Light is energy. Living cells ‘like’ light and your hair is no different. The stimulating laser light from HairMax Beauty Treatment LaserComb reinvigorates your hair to make it thicker and healthier. The end result is that you hair will flourish and you can start to like your hair again!

Just passrepparttar HairMax Beauty Treatment LaserComb slowly over your scalp for ten minutes three times a week. It may be used by itself or in conjunction with other treatments.

The HairMax Beauty Treatment LaserComb is an economical way to have thicker, fuller hair. A rugged precision built instrument with a laser module that has an estimated life of 10,000-15,000 hours. By usingrepparttar 114284 HairMax Beauty Treatment LaserComb 30 minutes per week it should easily last a lifetime. Comparerepparttar 114285 one time cost of a HairMax Beauty Treatment LaserComb with ongoing costs for other hair treatments and you’ll see how much more economical it is.

With over 17 years of clinical experiencerepparttar 114286 results seen are both exciting and impressive. Results have shown that both men and women of all ages respond with positive benefits to laser therapy. Customers range in age from 18 to their late 80’s.

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