Full Body Awareness

Written by Robert Morgen

Now that you’re comfortable working with your breath it’s time to bringrepparttar rest ofrepparttar 138565 body in. Continue breathing as I’ve outlined in my article on Breathing. Now in addition to feeling your breath flow and your stomach and ribs expand, I want you to feelrepparttar 138566 energy that flows into your body with each breath. For me it feels like a lightness, or a very light feeling. It may feel different for you so take some time here and just open up and feelrepparttar 138567 energy. Now when you drawrepparttar 138568 energy in can you feel it pooling at your center of gravity just below your belly button? Now as you breathe just let that pool of energy expand throughout your body. Can you feel it flowing down through your legs and up your back and down your arms? Take some time here and practice this feeling that energy pool expand through your whole body. Later we’ll expand it out even further, but for now just let it flow. This exercise should help you to feel rejuvenated and refreshed as you’re drawing energy from an infinite pool. Do this exercise whenever you’re depressed or down, and eventually as you progress you’ll learn to do it allrepparttar 138569 time. It’s a habit that you have to grow into.

Awareness and Intention EVERYTHING is about ‘Awareness’ and ‘Intention’. Now that you’ve begun to build an awareness ofrepparttar 138570 energy, called Chi, Ki or Prana in some circles, you’ll be able to do things with it and move it around in your (and other peoples) body. We move energy with ‘Intention’, and this is a very important fact. EVERYTHING is energy! Our thoughts, our actions, our beliefs, everything around us and everything we see, feel, hear, think and do is energy. Intention is what we do with that energy. We are all connected in a vast energy pool that encompasses everything that is, was and will be. It doesn’t matter whether a person believes in it or can feel it; they still haverepparttar 138571 ability to affect it. How many times have you seen a person with a negative attitude who continually draws more negative reactions to himself? He’s broadcasting his intentions through his attitudes withrepparttar 138572 result that he becomes a human ‘crap magnet’, drawing in allrepparttar 138573 negative feelings and emotions and experiences.

Basic Meditation Exercises

Written by Robert Morgen

(Authors Note: Before reading this you should see my other articles on Breathing and Full Body Awareness) Now that you’ve begun to developrepparttar ability to move energy around in your body there are some things that you can do with it. The following exercises range from pretty simple to pretty complicated, but as you develop your abilities you’ll eventually find that you can do them all at once and effortlessly. It can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few years to develop this ability, so remember what I said about expectations. Grounding Grounding will always be an important skill, no matter how ‘advanced’ you become, so takerepparttar 138564 time to learn this now and to be able to do it effortlessly. Stand inrepparttar 138565 ‘Standing Stake” pose described above. Go throughrepparttar 138566 breathing and Full Body Awareness exercises. Visualize roots growing from your feet down throughrepparttar 138567 core ofrepparttar 138568 earth, just like a tree. In later meditations you can add some variety by seeingrepparttar 138569 roots flow down to a large crystal atrepparttar 138570 earth’s core. Depending onrepparttar 138571 effect you want you can varyrepparttar 138572 crystals and access different energies, but that obviously beyondrepparttar 138573 scope of this exercise. As you inhale feelrepparttar 138574 energy ofrepparttar 138575 earth being drawn up through your roots and up through your body and out throughrepparttar 138576 top of your head. On your exhale, let that energy drop back down through your body and feel allrepparttar 138577 accumulated stress of your life flow out with it and back down through your roots and intorepparttar 138578 earth. Feel your muscles relax asrepparttar 138579 stress flows out. This is a good way to release all your stresses, fears, angers and feelings of inadequacy. Repeat this exercise for awhile, as many times as necessary to clean yourself out. There’s nothing wrong (and a lot of benefit) to stopping at this point and just doing these exercises that we’ve learned up to this point, until they become completely effortless. Whenever you feel yourself stressed or angry learn to take a moment and ground yourself and let those feelings just flow out.

Progressive Relaxation Progressive Relaxation is easy to do and you can do it anywhere and anytime. Assume your meditation position of choice (I likerepparttar 138580 half-lotus on a zafu) and go through allrepparttar 138581 exercises I’ve covered up to this point. Now just take a moment and feelrepparttar 138582 relaxed energy that you should have after grounding and releasing all your stress. Are you ready to get deeper into this feeling?

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