Fruits and juices important for relieving hemorrhoids part i

Written by Rudy Silva

Chili Peppers

It has been found that when you eat a lot of chili peppers that you can get a burning sensation inrepparttar rectum or anus. It is best to avoid eating too many peppers, especially if you have an advance case of hemorrhoids. Peppers are actually good for blood circulation and for healing ulcers. It is alwaysrepparttar 142799 excess that creates problems in your body.

Here are some additional foods to avoid, which cause constipation.

• Coffee • Alcohol • Bad Fats • Animal products • Red meat

Foods you should be eating to help relieve hemorrhoids

A high fiber diet obtained from raw fruits and vegetables is what you need to eat for eliminating and for preventing constipation. When you don’t have constipation, you won’t have hemorrhoids.

The amount of fiber you should be eating is 25 35 grams per day. Most people only eat about 8 – 12 grams per day.

If you have not been eating a lot of fiber, you need to add fiber slowly to your diet, especially if you add it by using bran. Increase your use of bran or other bran cereals over a couple of weeks.

If you add fiber to your diet with fruits and vegetables, you can add them freely without much problem. However, since your stomach will not be use to it, you may experience more gas for a week or two. You can compensate for this by taking digestive enzymes to help you digestrepparttar 142800 extra produce.

The following list of juices and fruits are good for helping cure or relieve Hemorrhoids.


Juices are good for hemorrhoids but especially dark berry juices mixed with equal parts of apple juice. The dark berry juices to use are,

Cherries, blackberries, blueberries

These berries contain “anthocyanins” and “proanthocyanidins” which reduce hemorrhoidal pain and Swelling by toning and strengtheningrepparttar 142801 hemorrhoid veins. Drink at least one glass of this juice mixture each day.


Cantaloupes are one ofrepparttar 142802 best foods you can eat. It has a good source of vitamins and minerals. It has a high beta-carotene level and has anti-clogging properties.

Red and Black Currant Berries

Currants are high in Vitamin C, rutin, and minerals. This makes their juice valuable in clearing hemorrhoids. The also have a small amount ofrepparttar 142803 fatty acid GLA, which produce prostaglandin that control body pain.

Constipation remedy using citrus juice

Written by Rudy Silva

Citrus Juices

Citrus juices are a constipation remedy that is an excellent way to stimulate your colon and other parts ofrepparttar body. Since your colon is less active at night, drinking juices as soon as you awaken and get up can stimulate strong peristaltic action and promote a bowel movement.


Lemons are filled with minerals, especially potassium, Vitamin C, and bioflavonoids. They have a cleansing action forrepparttar 142798 entire body.

Fresh lemon juice isrepparttar 142799 king of fruit juices. It contains citric acid, which acts inrepparttar 142800 body in a way no other juice does. First it acts onrepparttar 142801 liver to build up its enzymes so it can detoxify toxins inrepparttar 142802 blood. Then it combines with calcium to form soluble chemical substances. This makes it effective in removing kidney and pancreatic stones, plack build up along artery walls, and other calcium deposits that occur inrepparttar 142803 body.

Whenrepparttar 142804 liver, gallbladder, and pancreas are not working right, food digestion is affected. This in turn will create constipation.

Use lemons moderately since they break up oils during digestion and in our body they make oils less available to our cells and joints.

If you have lemon allergies or ulcers then you should avoid lemon juice. If you have arthritis lemons are not a good choice.

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