Frugal Indoor Fun

Written by Nancy Twigg

Now thatrepparttar weather is so cold,repparttar 111223 kids can't go out and play for long periods like they can inrepparttar 111224 summer. This means more hours to fill with fun indoor activities. Althoughrepparttar 111225 temptation may be to entertainrepparttar 111226 family by spending money (going torepparttar 111227 mall, renting movies, visiting a fast food restaurant or arcade), there are ways to keeprepparttar 111228 kids busy without draining your pocketbook. Here is a list of indoor activity ideas that are all either completely free or cost very little.

* Spend an afternoon writing letters or making homemade cards to send to out-of-state relatives. Letrepparttar 111229 kids make drawings, finger paint portraits, or collages to send to Grandma and Grandpa to adorn their refrigerator. * Helprepparttar 111230 kids make up skits or act out stories to perform for Dad when he gets home from work. Along those same lines, helprepparttar 111231 children put together a family talent show in which they sing, dance or do magic tricks. For added fun, use a camcorder to recordrepparttar 111232 performances to watch later. The children will love seeing themselves on TV. * Pull outrepparttar 111233 teapot and teacups and hold an afternoon tea party. Along with your tea, serve finger sandwiches and cookies. If your children are too young for tea, serve heated lemonade or hot chocolate. * On a cold afternoon, spread a blanket onrepparttar 111234 den floor and have an indoor picnic. Eatrepparttar 111235 same kinds of picnic foods you would inrepparttar 111236 summer. * Go camping indoors. Pitch a tent inrepparttar 111237 living room and letrepparttar 111238 kids pretend that they are on a camping trip. Pull outrepparttar 111239 sleeping bags and they can take naps inrepparttar 111240 tent or

Breastfeeding - Handling Criticism

Written by Patty Hone

Feelings about how to parent seem to shift with every generation. A new way of parenting, sometimes called attachment parenting, has emerged and it challenges many ofrepparttar rigid teachings of our mother's generation. Although breastfeeding is onrepparttar 111222 rise now, women are still dealing withrepparttar 111223 repercussions of previous generations. Not too long ago mainstream women did not breastfeed at all andrepparttar 111224 ones that did were taught to follow strict schedules. Some thought of breastfeeding as primitive. Formula was touted as being equal to or superior to breast milk. Only recently, hasrepparttar 111225 fact that "breast is best" been acknowledged. Other women were inrepparttar 111226 workforce. They may have felt that breastfeeding was not an option for them. They did not haverepparttar 111227 modern breast pump available to them. The medical community may not have encouraged breastfeeding atrepparttar 111228 time. It is not hard to imagine. After all, even with allrepparttar 111229 knowledge aboutrepparttar 111230 benefits of breastfeeding there are still many health professionals today that are uneducated and unsupportive of breastfeeding. With allrepparttar 111231 challenges inrepparttar 111232 way of breastfeeding, it is understandable why many women of yesterday did not choose to breastfeed.

Breastfeeding has come a long way but still many ofrepparttar 111233 old thinking still carries on. Women are more educated onrepparttar 111234 subject; however, even withrepparttar 111235 many books and other information available, people are often most influenced by their immediate family and friends. Havingrepparttar 111236 support of friends and family can boostrepparttar 111237 chances of having a successful breastfeeding experience. Onrepparttar 111238 other hand, having to deal with criticism and misinformation fromrepparttar 111239 people you are close to can sabotage a new mom trying to breastfeed.

There are many ways to deal withrepparttar 111240 negativity of others. One ofrepparttar 111241 best things you can do is to try to understand whyrepparttar 111242 person feelsrepparttar 111243 way they do. Is it because they were taught differently about breastfeeding? Were they indoctrinated withrepparttar 111244 ideas that breastfeeding is primitive or inferior? Or is it that they feel breasts are a sexual object? Maybe they have never seen someone breastfeed and it makes them uncomfortable. This isrepparttar 111245 case with a lot of people. Once breastfeeding in public becomes more commonplace, perhaps, this will become less of a problem. Whateverrepparttar 111246 case, finding outrepparttar 111247 root ofrepparttar 111248 person's issues with breastfeeding may help to resolverepparttar 111249 tension.

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