From now on, Europe focuses on dieting pills

Written by Dana Scripca

A state of emergency has been recently put on European Union agenda. Inrepparttar next ten years, European countries will be "on diet". The EU countries have to manage an alarming situation: high rate of obesity and overweight. It seems that all America's weight-loss problems along with diets and any kind of dieting pills crossedrepparttar 131436 Ocean. European countries borrowed bad habits from Americans

Along with foods, Americans have broughtrepparttar 131437 whole picture torepparttar 131438 "Old continent": fad diets and related-weigh loss problems, dieting pills and dietary supplements. According to International Obesity Task Force,repparttar 131439 prevalence of obesity has grown by up by 10 to 40 percent in most European countries from 1993 to 2003. It is an alarming statement. 30% of people living inrepparttar 131440 European Union are overweight and more than one in ten is now obese, according to EASO. Not surprisingly, a war against obesity has started recently. European officials are worried specifically about childhood obesity since children with "weight problems" are three to five times more likely to suffer a heart attack or even stroke beforerepparttar 131441 age of 65. Although this problem is not as urgent asrepparttar 131442 American issue,repparttar 131443 forecasts are ruthless. The battle against obesity

When overweight and obesity are onrepparttar 131444 agenda,

* fast food and modern unhealthy eating habits (too many sweets and refined foods) * a sedentary lifestyle

are often quoted. Officials ofrepparttar 131445 European Union are worried because obesity brings along related problems such as diabetes, stroke and heart disease. Unfortunately,70.000 cases are added each year, while heart disorders are alreadyrepparttar 131446 leading cause of death inrepparttar 131447 European Union: half of all deaths are caused by heart disease.

Sincerepparttar 131448 issue became so urgent,repparttar 131449 EU was prompted to apply a "fight-plan" against obesity forrepparttar 131450 next ten years. Experts have decided inrepparttar 131451 recent European Congress of Obesity thatrepparttar 131452 new fight-front should proceed on four major ways:

1. governments 2. NGOs 3. food industry 4. consumers themselves.

Additionally, two pathways can be involved in this effort:

* television * computer industry.

They are to induce and educate nationwide a well-balanced eating regimen and promote physical activity and regular exercise (schools included). A direct and sharp link torepparttar 131453 new way of eating (fast food, biscuits, high carbohydrate foods, fatty products) hasn't been established precisely. It is argued though that giving up old healthy habits proved a significant overweight factor. Thus, obesity has been declared "public enemy number one" inrepparttar 131454 European Union. Portugal case study

The Omega Zone Diet and Fish Oil

Written by Iulia Pascanu

The Omega Zone Diet and Fish Oil

Is high-dose fish oilrepparttar magic pill? Dr. Barry

Sears claims that Zone diet, combined with daily supplements of high-dose fish oil ("pharmaceutical grade"), antioxidants and

vitamins isrepparttar 131434 passport to a long, healthy and successful life.

The Omega Zone

Diet and specialists' opinion

"Omega RX Zone - The Miracle of High-dose Fish Oil" is consideredrepparttar 131435 best contribution that Dr. Barry Sears has yet made

to a healthy diet. The benefits of fish oil are well-known. Species such as mackerel, lake trout,

herring, sardines, albacore tuna and salmon are rich in two kinds of Omega 3 fatty acids:

eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). These fatty acids have had proven beneficial effects in

complaints such as arrhythmia, high triglyceride levels, atherosclerotic plaque and high blood pressure.

The recommendations ofrepparttar 131436 American Heart Association meet Dr. Sears' up to a point

  • Bothrepparttar 131437 AHA and Dr. Sears recogniserepparttar 131438 benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids.
  • Both parties tell us that fish is nowadays contaminated with various toxins like mercury, DDT or other harmful

    substances. Seerepparttar 131439 AHA special


  • People with a high risk of coronary heart disease or of high-level trigliceride cannot obtain enough Omega 3 fatty acids

    from dietary fish. They may therefore need to supplement their diet with pharmaceutical fish oil.

Nevertheless, opinions vary on some points.

  • High doses of fish oil are good for health, butrepparttar 131440 doses Dr. Sears recommends are much higher than those which href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">AHA considers to be safe.

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