From Striving To Thriving

Written by Helaine Iris

Helaine Iris © 2003

“The difference between what we do, and what we are capable of doing, would solve most ofrepparttar world’s problems.” Mahatma Gandhi

A few months ago I wrote an article about a client of mine who’s been struggling to grow her business torepparttar 123380 next level. She’s an extremely talented and creative professional with a potential gold mine of a business.

She’s been determined to uncover and embrace her limiting beliefs eagerly accepting coaching to challenge herself torepparttar 123381 next level professionally and personally. She put new structures in place to build a strong foundation from which to grow her enterprise.

She’s been striving to achieve her goals, yet she feels exhausted.

Last week, when she “hitrepparttar 123382 wall” and was about ready to throw inrepparttar 123383 towel I asked her, “What if you stop striving and started thriving? How might you feel different?”

There was dead silence onrepparttar 123384 other end ofrepparttar 123385 phone. After some time she replied with a burst of relieved laughter, “Now THAT would truly be empowering.”

She then went on to declare how this coming year of her life would be about thriving instead of surviving and striving.

This gratifying interaction got me thinking aboutrepparttar 123386 distinction between striving and thriving and how they are and feel different from each other. Webster’s Dictionary defines strive as 1. To make great effort; try very hard. 2. To be in conflict; struggle; contend; fight. Versusrepparttar 123387 definition of thrive. 1. To prosper or flourish; be successful. 2. To grow vigorously or luxuriantly.

Making a mental shift can berepparttar 123388 first step in how you experience your life. Distinguishing what you don’t want will create a contrast that allows what you do want to rise torepparttar 123389 fore. Once you’re clear about what you want, you can then prepare and deviserepparttar 123390 structures to support you and begin implementingrepparttar 123391 shift.

Searching for a Job? Use Your Time to Build Professional Resources

Written by Elizabeth Kirwin

With unemployment figures at 6.1% in August, there is great concern amongrepparttar jobless about their financial future. Though internet job posting seems convenient and opens up new possibilities,repparttar 123379 competition is so fierce, it is not unusual for an employer to receive 300-600 resumes for one posting. Since most companies do not haverepparttar 123380 staffing or time to answer these inquiries, job seekers tend to feel like they are casting their resumes into a great void. Steve Hall, a 14 year Certified Personal Consultant with Find Great People in Greenville, South Carolina (, has witnessed disappointment in internet job hunters. “When job seekers spend a great deal of time applying for jobs and receiving no word, it tends to weaken their self-worth,” said Mr. Hall. Spending five to eight hours per day on-line searching creates a sense of isolationism, too. “Most job seekers would be better served to balance their time behindrepparttar 123381 computer with an effort to meet with people and build a network of professional resources,” said Mr. Hall. He suggests volunteer work geared towardrepparttar 123382 job seeker’s profession with a charitable organization. “For example, an accountant could visitrepparttar 123383 Red Cross, a state boy’s home, or a church and offer to do bookkeeping,” Mr. Hall suggested. “This would have professional benefits. It will keep professional skills sharp and enablerepparttar 123384 job seeker to build a soft skill -- which is interacting with people. By volunteering skills and expertise,repparttar 123385 person may meet somebody that will lead to employment,” added Mr. Hall. Another activity that could stimulate job leads is participation in a weekly network group. “If you want to start a group in your area, rally a support group through professional associations,” recommends Mr. Hall. It’s important to find people of like minds, with similar passions, and in close proximity for weekly lunch or coffee meetings. “This interaction with colleagues and peer groups will allowrepparttar 123386 job seeker to hear about positions that may not be posted.” said Mr. Hall. Belonging to a network group composed of those with similar professional interests could make job hunting a little less stressful. The network group will also help internet job seekers overcome a sense of isolationism. Mr. Hall notes that participation in a focused group will be like “having more than your own two eyes looking for work for you.” Job seekers can learn how others interviewed correctly or incorrectly. Sharing professional resources is also key to success with this type of group. “Say a person in your particular group received a call for a job they were not interested in,” observed Mr. Hall, “perhapsrepparttar 123387 location, hours, or pay were wrong for that individual. It may be just right for someone else inrepparttar 123388 group.” A simple exchange of information could be a hot lead to a new position. “If you are at home alone, you’re only interested in yourself,” said Mr. Hall, “though it might be noble, it’s not always productive.”

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