From First Sign-Up to Director in Nine Days!

Written by Brande Bradford

First Sign-Up to Director in Nine Days Brande Bradford Copyright 2003, Brande Bradford

I should really begin this article by explaining my state of mind andrepparttar state of mind of my husband, prior to joining (COMPANY).

We were like most network marketers. Extremely frustrated. We had tried several network marketing companies with limited success. In about halfrepparttar 106093 cases we made a bad decision in choosingrepparttar 106094 company. Withrepparttar 106095 other companies, problems withinrepparttar 106096 company orrepparttar 106097 particular organization we had joined prompted us to leaverepparttar 106098 company. Nothing seemed to be working! Nothing.

We toyed withrepparttar 106099 idea of getting out of network marketing altogether. We had allrepparttar 106100 disappointments we could stand. We pretty well backed out ofrepparttar 106101 industry for several months, although we did rollrepparttar 106102 dice a couple of times on newly launched companies.

Thenrepparttar 106103 phone rang. It was an acquaintance from New York I had worked with in a company several years ago. He had just joined (COMPANY) under an organization he felt could give me a great advantage in building a business. He explained thatrepparttar 106104 leaders ofrepparttar 106105 organization were already top producers and wanted to build a new power leg. He felt I would be perfect for it. I was flattered, but skeptical. My husband, even more-so. But, I set up an appointment for both my husband and I to speak with our acquaintance and one of these leaders onrepparttar 106106 phone forrepparttar 106107 next night.

We listened to what they had to say. Whenrepparttar 106108 leader got offrepparttar 106109 call, my husband had some pretty strong words for our acquaintance. I quote: "New York is only a 14 hour drive. If you do Brande wrong, I will be there." (I later found out our acquaintance could not understand my husband's strong southern accent. So, he did not know what my husband had told him.)

I faxed in my application that night.

It was a few days before I received my value pack and business kit. Inrepparttar 106110 mean time, I was taking care of some other projects to free up my time a little.

It was now aboutrepparttar 106111 20th of January. I needed to get busy. My first call was to a very good friend who had worked with me with several companies inrepparttar 106112 past. Sure, she would sign up, but she said she could not until afterrepparttar 106113 fifth ofrepparttar 106114 following month. I appreciate a sign-up whenever I can get one.. but I was in a hurry to build. So I thanked her, told her that was great, and moved on. I would get back with her afterrepparttar 106115 first ofrepparttar 106116 month.

I started calling leads I had accumulated overrepparttar 106117 years. My upline was wonderful withrepparttar 106118 three-way calls. They worked with me constantly. I was getting bites, but wasn't landing any fish! All I knew I could do was keep on trying.

My husband has his own business, and did not have time to be of any real help duringrepparttar 106119 day. But at night, he was up with me until 3AM most mornings helping put together our web sites, writing promotional materials, and doing whatever he could. But all of this was for future business, I needed sign-ups now!

I dug through my files and foundrepparttar 106120 names and telephone numbers of a few people I had worked with, or at least was inrepparttar 106121 same company with, several years ago.

My first call was a success! He said he would sign up, but wanted to wait untilrepparttar 106122 end ofrepparttar 106123 month. Again, this was wonderful.. but I wanted sign-ups now! I put him on my list to get with afterrepparttar 106124 first ofrepparttar 106125 month.

I kept making calls and I kept building relationships on-line. I told those I met each day ofrepparttar 106126 opportunity I am involved with. I did everything I felt I could do to build a business in a hurry. When I was tired of prospecting, I would do other things to help my business. I set up a toll free number and a 5 minute prospecting message with a local answering service, and I started planningrepparttar 106127 rest of my strategy for off-line building.

Finally, onrepparttar 106128 22th ofrepparttar 106129 month, I had my first actual sign-up! I was dead tired.. not having slept more than three or four hours a night. My husband was tired from working on his end ofrepparttar 106130 bargain, and we both were extremely grouchy. But now I was on fire! I decided I wanted to make director byrepparttar 106131 end ofrepparttar 106132 month, nine days away!

When I told my husband my goal, he simply rolled his eyes. Don't get me wrong, he has always supported my efforts. But he might of felt my goals were a little lofty. You see, he likes to sleep at night and he hates to sleep alone.

Overrepparttar 106133 next several days I worked extremely hard. I would get what I thought was a great prospect, only to be disappointed that they just would not make a decision. Old teammates were either frustrated at network marketing or were otherwise involved. New introductions torepparttar 106134 company were slow to make decisions. I was getting frustrated, but not discouraged. So, I kept working.

I made notes of people who were interested, but not yet ready. I scheduled appointments to get back with them. I added their e-mail addresses to my newsletter subscriber list. Essentially, I created a prospect database.

Onrepparttar 106135 morning ofrepparttar 106136 29th, I made a list of those who I felt would sign-up and those who I felt I had a chance of getting beforerepparttar 106137 first. It was close, REAL close. I started following up with them to make sure they got their paperwork to me. My friend who wanted to wait untilrepparttar 106138 5th decided to go ahead and join that day. But a couple of my other good prospects ran in to problems, and others decided to put off joining until afterrepparttar 106139 first ofrepparttar 106140 month.

Onrepparttar 106141 morning ofrepparttar 106142 30th, I was coming up short! I needed more people and I was feeling a little lost. I had to do something! But all I could do was stick with it. I made calls to new prospects and followed up with old prospects.

Onrepparttar 106143 morning ofrepparttar 106144 31st my list was still short by two people, and that is if, and that is a big if, those I felt would sign up actually did. Forrepparttar 106145 last several days I am sure I had been driving my upline crazy with phone calls. But today, I called them countless times. They were rooting for me and helping me with problems, but it was up to me to prove I could produce. And, I had to have everyone submitted to (COMPANY) by 2:00 AM that night.

"Why You Must STOP Selling To Sell More!"

Written by Ewen Chia

"Why You Must STOP Selling To Sell More!" (c) Ewen Chia - All Rights Reserved

Are you finding it harder to sell and increase sales?

Online consumers are getting smarter and more demanding, and hype is losing out to real value rapidly.

Most customers actually hate being sold to, being treated like a numbered prospect. Come on, would you like that yourself?

Similarly, ask yourself what you would want yourself as your own customer, for some insights into their mindsets.

To gain an edge over your competitors, you need to avoid usingrepparttar same old hardcore selling tactics on your need to STOP selling to them, and use a different approach for better response.

The differentiation comes in providing them with more value and service...while recommending your offers in tactfully!

This builds better trust and credibility which lead to better sales results! Here are some ideas...

* Give them an education by offering f'ree ecourses, ebooks, tools, or quality content on your website.

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