Frequently Asked Questions about welding rod injuries from Manganese exposure

Written by Michael Monheit, Esquire, Monheit Law, PC

What is Manganism?

Manganism is a central nervous system disease caused by manganese exposure, a toxic element commonly found in welding rod fumes. Symptoms of manganism resemble those of Parkinson's disease, including slurred speech, trembling hands and an unsteady gait.


Can welding rods cause someone to have manganism?

Manganism is caused by long-term exposure to high levels of manganese toxicity, typically as a result of inhaling fumes or dust that containrepparttar material. Frequently, people who work with welding rods, or near people working with welding rods, inhale fumes that contain poisonous manganese materials.


What isrepparttar 114692 connection between welding rods and manganism?

Welding rods contain a high concentration of manganese toxicity. When heated,repparttar 114693 manganese inrepparttar 114694 welding rod releases toxic fumes that are inhaled byrepparttar 114695 welder and others who might be nearby. Welders show a higher-than-normal average of manganese exposure and, consequently, manganese poisoning.


I'm not a welder. Am I at risk for manganese poisoning?

Although investigation surrounding manganism has focused on welding rods, there are several other sources of manganese toxicities inrepparttar 114696 environment. On-the-job manganese exposure occurs mainly in mining, alloy production, processing, ferro-manganese operations, and work with agrochemicals. People living near construction sites, or other locations where welding rods are being used, may also be at risk.


Written by Hera Alam


The above mentioned phrase is very famous. Everyone knows this fact. Thenrepparttar question that comes into mind is why people smoke?

Ask any current smoker why he continues to indulge himself in such a dangerous activity and he will normally reply "Because I like smoking". While he may say this in aal honesty, it is a very misleading statement both torepparttar 114691 listener and torepparttar 114692 smoker himself. he does not smoke because he enjoys smoking rather he smokes because he doesn’t enjoy not smoking!

There are many reasons for which people start smoking, its pretty funny: A lot of teenagers start smoking during high school because they think that it makes one appear glamorous and mature.Some think that it makes them feel relaxed, more mellow and sometimes it helps in reducing tension or whenever they are feeling miserable, unsatisfied, nervous or bored.Some start because their parents, teachers and other adults told them they couldn't smoke.So to show them who was in control,they smoked anyway.Yet some smokers continue to smoke because of their self-destructive attitude.Some smoke to stay awake or to sleep even some say that they smoke to think!

The reasons to start smoking andrepparttar 114693 reasons to continue it are notrepparttar 114694 same.People start for a variety of reasons, but they continue for just one - they became drug addict.

Once off smoking these excuses simply disappear, leaving a physically and psychologically healthier individuals

As far asrepparttar 114695 promotion of smoking is concerned,TV commercials play a very major role. Here is an instance as to how commercials attract masses, youngsters in perticular, towrards smoking...

The father sat reflecting on how much joy his two sons brought to him duringrepparttar 114696 year. He decided to buy them bothrepparttar 114697 present of their choice this holiday season. When he asked his older boy what he would like,repparttar 114698 son replied, "Oh boy, I would like so many things. May be a bicycle, or new skis, or skin diving equipment. I wish I would have them all, but any one would make me happy." That was fine withrepparttar 114699 father, he now had some good choices. Next, he turned to his younger son, who was only eight years old. The boy envied his brother for allrepparttar 114700 games he could play and all ofrepparttar 114701 sports he could do so well. When asked what he would like, he made one simple request. "I would like a box of Tampax Tampons." The father was shocked, "What inrepparttar 114702 world do you want a box of tampons for?" he demanded angrily. The poor boy, not knowing he had said something wrong, answered, "With Tampax, you can swim, ski, sky dive, horseback ride and play any sport you want."!!!

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