Freedom From Fear

Written by Helaine Iris

Freedom From Fear Helaine Iris © 2004

“The thing you fear most has no power. Your fear of it is what hasrepparttar power. Facingrepparttar 101474 truth really will set you free.” Oprah Winfrey

Here’s another installment inrepparttar 101475 ongoing story of me facingrepparttar 101476 challenges of parenthood. My daughter, a recently graduate from high school, set out with a group of girlfriends on a 3-month cross country expedition. A post high school dream: to travel across country with no agenda and no expectations other than to experience life as it unfolds.

It might sound like a great idea, and as her mom, I might sound calm to you now as I tell you about this trip, but believe me, I didn’t start there.

It all began after a long, arduous decision process to delay her entrance to college. I of course wanted her to benefit fromrepparttar 101477 opportunities college affords, but she said she needed a break fromrepparttar 101478 academic rigors and wanted some time to “find herself”.

In theory, I agreed with her. A lot of young people take time off between high school and college; yet, I still found myself attached to wanting her somewhere “safe” and getting on withrepparttar 101479 business of taking her place inrepparttar 101480 world. Finally, after much debate and internal process, I was able to let go and supportrepparttar 101481 idea of her taking time to begin her adulthood. And truthfully, deep down, I knew it could be a life changing opportunity for her.

So, onrepparttar 101482 coattails ofrepparttar 101483 college delay decision she decided to go onrepparttar 101484 road trip. When she left I got afraid. Taking a year off is one thing, but going on a risky trip with limited resources without a plan is another!

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to imagine what I was afraid of. And, I’m sure you don’t have to be a parent to relate. I was concerned about her safety, kids in a vehicle going 70 miles per hour onrepparttar 101485 highway. Who might she run into that would take advantage of her, what decisions they might make to get them into trouble, sex, drugs,repparttar 101486 list goes on and on. Thinking those thoughts, I found myself getting paralyzed with allrepparttar 101487 what-ifs.

Money: The Rules of Engagement

Written by Telian Adlam

Do you want to be a millionaire? Well, then it’s recommend that you learnrepparttar rules of engagement early on. These rules are also known asrepparttar 101473 Rockefeller rules. Some of them may seem hard at first, others may seem pointless, butrepparttar 101474 fact ofrepparttar 101475 matter is - each one has its own purpose and helps you to createrepparttar 101476 wealth you desire. Reading them and acknowleding them is one thing, but implementing them is another - to reaprepparttar 101477 full benefits, try it out. If you don’t like it or don’t find your finances improving, you can always stop.

1 - First and forement, repsect your money always. This may sound like an odd concept, but I assure you, it is not. Money is money, whether or not it is one penny, one dollar bill, or a one million dollar check. Money is notrepparttar 101478 root of all evil so there is no reason to fear it. Money cannot buy you happiness - it can only buy you things. Once you understand that money has its own energy - neither good or evil - and it takes onrepparttar 101479 energy you bring to it, then you can begin to accumulate more of it in your life.

2 - Titherepparttar 101480 first 10%. Notice that only one thing comes before tithing - respect. You may not be religious or spiritual (and frankly, you don’t have to be), but tithing (or sharing) your income with an open and willing heart can pay for itself tenfold. Remember when you share with others, you are bringing light into their world and if everyone shared a little light, there wouldn’t be any darkness. Be careful where you tithe to as well, share with a place that is known for sharing with others - your church, your community center, your favorite research foundation -repparttar 101481 idea is to share as much as possible.

3 - Pay yourselfrepparttar 101482 next 10%. This doesn’t actually mean give yourself a paycheck per se, it means putrepparttar 101483 money in a savings account. Once you start saving your money, you begin to accumulate wealth, but save wisely - make sure you are getting a great interest rate. If you’re daring, I would suggest joiningrepparttar 101484 Motley Fool Investment Community and investing in long term stocks - Sharebuilder offers an awesome value forrepparttar 101485 novice invester.

4 - Live onrepparttar 101486 rest. This should actually be, live below your means onrepparttar 101487 rest. Once you’ve tithed 10%, paid yourselfrepparttar 101488 next 10%, now it is time to start living. This is hard for a lot of people in this day and age because far too many people live above their means and find themselves in debt up to their eyeballs (to include myself at one point). The good news is, simply adjusting a few simple things in your life can get you onrepparttar 101489 right path, such as setting up a monthly budget and sticking with it, getting your home to be more energy efficient (I still have that same halogen lightbulb I bought 6 months ago and it’s going strong), or forgoingrepparttar 101490 evenings “out onrepparttar 101491 town” for an evening “painting your living room red". If things are really tight, it’s a good idea to start paying yourself 2-3%, but make surerepparttar 101492 amount steadily goes up to at least 10% as you actually begin living below your means.

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