Free Money for Your Children Education Do you ever lie awake at night and ask yourself how your children would afford to get an education if you were gone? Now there's a program that can help you. And best of all, it's absolutely FREE. Yes, FREE. Register now!
Free Money for Your Child Education
Information Session
Tuesday, November 16, 2004 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Brooklyn Public Library at Cadman Plaza 280 Cadman Plaza West, 2nd Floor, Children Auditorium Downtown Brooklyn (Corner of Tillary Street) (2, 3, 4, or 5 to Borough Hall; A, C or F to Jay Street/Borough Hall)
Presented by The Movement of Independent Haitians for National Reconstruction (MIHRN), in partnership with: MassMutual Financial Group and MCB "Solutions & Services" (
WHO SHOULD APPLY: Eligible working parents or legal guardians currently employed -- either full or part time -- and have a total family income between $10,000 (minimum) and $40,000 (maximum) annually. Spaces are limited - call today!