Free MP3 Ringtone at

Written by Wayne Woods


By Wayne Woods

Wayne, Pennsylvania – Advanced Internet, a division of Advanced Telecom Services, announcesrepparttar introduction of—a new web site that specializes in delivering MP3 ringtones, polyphonic ringtones, and wallpapers to cellular phones.

MP3 ringtones,repparttar 108750 newest option inrepparttar 108751 ringtone industry, are usually ordered from a web site and then delivered via a WAP push link torepparttar 108752 cell phone. The difference is inrepparttar 108753 sound that is made byrepparttar 108754 cell phone when a call is received.

MonsterTones’s Bob Bentz explained that with MP3 ringtones, an actual voice or song with lyrics plays onrepparttar 108755 cell phone. This is an upgrade from polyphonic ringtones that sound like an orchestra playingrepparttar 108756 song orrepparttar 108757 older monophonic ringtones that sound like a pianist playing with one finger.

Now, for a limited time, you can test your phone and receive a free MP3 ringtone or polyphonic ringtone by visiting Mike Lieberman, marketing manager of, would not revealrepparttar 108758 content ofrepparttar 108759 free MP3 ringtone. “It’s reminiscent of one ofrepparttar 108760 most famous monsters of all time,” hinted Lieberman. “And that’s good enough for me.”

E-Commerce Made Easy

Written by Frank Voorburg (Feaser LLC)


What does it take for small and home-based businesses to get started with e-commerce? My goal is to answer this question and to give you information that allows you to get started with selling your products and services onrepparttar Internet.

The benefits of e-commerce are plentiful;repparttar 108749 most important ones being: increasing sales revenues while expanding a company’s customer base and offering services to allow customers to shop at their convenience aroundrepparttar 108750 clock and independent of location.


An e-commerce website should consist of a website with at leastrepparttar 108751 following components:

- Product catalog - Shopping cart - Shipping and handling options - Online payment processing

In order to obtain these basic ingredients,repparttar 108752 following technical requirements have to be met: - Server disk space. E-commerce software contains an online store inrepparttar 108753 format of a website. In order for this website to be available onrepparttar 108754 Internet, it has to be stored onrepparttar 108755 harddisk of a server computer that is constantly connected torepparttar 108756 Internet. - Registered domain name. Oncerepparttar 108757 E-commerce software is stored onrepparttar 108758 server’s harddisk, it still needs to be made accessible for customers using an Internet address. For this, a domain name needs to be registered, e.g. - Online database. E-commerce software stores its data in a database. For this reason, an online database has to be available onrepparttar 108759 server computer. - PHP script preprocessor. An e-commerce website contains dynamic webpages. To make this reliable and compatible across all Internet browsers,repparttar 108760 PHP server-side scripting language is used for makingrepparttar 108761 webpages dynamic and for accessingrepparttar 108762 online database. - FTP access. This is needed to upload and installrepparttar 108763 e-commerce software from ones local computer torepparttar 108764 harddisk ofrepparttar 108765 server computer. - Telnet server access. Using Telnet, you can accessrepparttar 108766 files onrepparttar 108767 server’s harddisk. - SSL certificate. A Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificate should be installed and configured onrepparttar 108768 server computer for securingrepparttar 108769 transfer of credit card information.

Most owners and employees in small and home-based businesses get discouraged about using e-commerce, because they don’t have sufficient knowledge regarding how to meet these technical requirements. This is not necessary. There are several Internet hosting companies available that offer e-commerce hosting packages that meet all of these technical requirements. They will configure and maintain an Internet server computer (or part of it) for you to use.


The problem with e-commerce hosting companies is that they will only offer yourepparttar 108770 tools that you need to do e-commerce. It’s still up to you to figure out how to use them. Personal skills required to use these tools are: HTML programming; PHP scripting; FTP file transfers; server computer operation; online database usage; and graphical web design.

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