INTRODUCTIONWhat does it take for small and home-based businesses to get started with e-commerce? My goal is to answer this question and to give you information that allows you to get started with selling your products and services on Internet.
The benefits of e-commerce are plentiful; most important ones being: increasing sales revenues while expanding a company’s customer base and offering services to allow customers to shop at their convenience around clock and independent of location.
An e-commerce website should consist of a website with at least following components:
- Product catalog - Shopping cart - Shipping and handling options - Online payment processing
In order to obtain these basic ingredients, following technical requirements have to be met: - Server disk space. E-commerce software contains an online store in format of a website. In order for this website to be available on Internet, it has to be stored on harddisk of a server computer that is constantly connected to Internet. - Registered domain name. Once E-commerce software is stored on server’s harddisk, it still needs to be made accessible for customers using an Internet address. For this, a domain name needs to be registered, e.g. - Online database. E-commerce software stores its data in a database. For this reason, an online database has to be available on server computer. - PHP script preprocessor. An e-commerce website contains dynamic webpages. To make this reliable and compatible across all Internet browsers, PHP server-side scripting language is used for making webpages dynamic and for accessing online database. - FTP access. This is needed to upload and install e-commerce software from ones local computer to harddisk of server computer. - Telnet server access. Using Telnet, you can access files on server’s harddisk. - SSL certificate. A Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificate should be installed and configured on server computer for securing transfer of credit card information.
Most owners and employees in small and home-based businesses get discouraged about using e-commerce, because they don’t have sufficient knowledge regarding how to meet these technical requirements. This is not necessary. There are several Internet hosting companies available that offer e-commerce hosting packages that meet all of these technical requirements. They will configure and maintain an Internet server computer (or part of it) for you to use.
The problem with e-commerce hosting companies is that they will only offer you tools that you need to do e-commerce. It’s still up to you to figure out how to use them. Personal skills required to use these tools are: HTML programming; PHP scripting; FTP file transfers; server computer operation; online database usage; and graphical web design.