Free, Legal Music Online

Written by Daniel Punch

Almost everyone has heard aboutrepparttar massive crack down on Internet music piracy that has been occurring overrepparttar 118497 past few years. Napster was taken down (although it has now returned as a pay service), other file sharing programs now require users to pay for a license andrepparttar 118498 RIAA and other similar organizations are doing their best to hunt down copyright offenders and put an end to their crime sprees. The consumers onrepparttar 118499 other hand argue that their actions hurt nobody, that there is no damage done to anyone by their not buying an album. Furthermore, they claim, MP3s allow them to sample a CD before purchasing it, thus actually helping sales.

I'm not here to arguerepparttar 118500 pros and cons. Basically it's not worth it, as neither side ofrepparttar 118501 argument will ever seerepparttar 118502 opposition's point of view. What I'd like to do is take a look atrepparttar 118503 completely free and legal alternative to 'stealing' music. Those wonderfully talented musicians who are willing to put their creations online to download for free, solely forrepparttar 118504 joy of spreading their creations torepparttar 118505 masses.

Free music is surprisingly easy to come by, even music by famous bands. Sometimes it needs to be 'streamed' fromrepparttar 118506 Internet, meaning that you can only listen to a song while you're online, but withrepparttar 118507 ever-growing popularity of broadband Internet this is really no longer a problem. Sites such as and provide free music by almost any band you can think of, although there is a large amount of it that has to be streamed and not downloaded. A search for 'free legal MP3 downloads' will reveal a huge number of pages to visit.

For something specific, try visitingrepparttar 118508 artist's website, orrepparttar 118509 site of their record label. These will often offer a few sample tracks to download for free. It's not quite as convenient as having access to every song that you want, but it's not a bad alternative.

But how about we forget aboutrepparttar 118510 mainstream for just a while and move towardsrepparttar 118511 alternative? Towardsrepparttar 118512 hopefuls,repparttar 118513 talented bands that have yet to be 'noticed'. There are a huge number of these smaller bands out there that are sticking their stuff online for any and all to listen to, just so that they can be heard. These can be easier to find, because most MP3 sites will be filled with these smaller acts. A great place to start is orrepparttar 118514 aforementioned

Pop-Up Blockers: Before you decide to fight ads you better know what you’re up against!

Written by Anti Spam League

A ‘pop-up blocker’, also known as ‘pop-up killer’, is a program that prevents pop-ups from being displayed in a user's web browser. Pop-up blockers work in a number of ways. While some closerepparttar window before it appears, others disablerepparttar 118496 command that callsrepparttar 118497 pop-up, and yet others alterrepparttar 118498 window's source HTML. One problem with pop-up blockers is that they cannot always differentiate between an unwanted pop-up window and one that is user-requested. But that is just a minor problem. Before you decide whether you want to fightrepparttar 118499 ad-blocking battle, you really need to knowrepparttar 118500 threats that you are dealing with.

Let’s just start fromrepparttar 118501 beginning: Pop-ups are those annoying windows that get inrepparttar 118502 way of us viewingrepparttar 118503 web sites that we want to view. Sometimes they even have things on them that are offensive. Most of us get mad when faced with undesired pop-ups but, in fact, few of us do something about it. The most reasonable explanation for this is that even people who detest web ads concede thatrepparttar 118504 explosion in web advertising has financed a no-cost Internet rich in content. However, if every Internet user blocked all advertisements allrepparttar 118505 time, companies might have to charge user fees for their web services or else they would go out of business. Albeit most web surfers would, to some extent, agree onrepparttar 118506 need of advertisement as a financial resource for Internet-based companies that fundamentally operate as content providers,repparttar 118507 new online advertising methods and techniques that some advertisers have been using appear to crossrepparttar 118508 line between what is reasonable and what is not; in other words, what can be considered a ‘fair amount of advertising’ and what is just an ‘unethical use of advertising as a means to invade people’s eyeballs, minds and lives’. The trick here is that online advertising evolves faster than one could possibly imagine. You would be very naďve if you thought thatrepparttar 118509 latest generation of online ads just sits timidly on a web page carrying an identifying label that says ‘Advertising. Click on me’. Instead,repparttar 118510 bulk of adware stealthily masquerade ads as non-commercial content or bombard our eyeballs with pyrotechnic excess. Although it is literally impossible to describe allrepparttar 118511 different types and formats of existing online advertising, let us walk you throughrepparttar 118512 most common ones that have so far been identified. First there are Standard Banner Ads, including new formats such asrepparttar 118513 vertically oriented skyscraper. These stay insiderepparttar 118514 primary browser window. Second, there arerepparttar 118515 pop-up and pop-under ads. As opposed to standard banner ads, these appear in new browser windows, typically stripped of toolbars and menus, and either cover your original browser window or hide beneath it. Third, there are Interstitials, which are ads that appear after you click on a link but before you seerepparttar 118516 next page, and Pop-up Transitionals, a type of ad that plays in a separate window between two pages of content. Fourth, there are Superstitials, a highly evolved ad species which move acrossrepparttar 118517 face of a web page, as if they were animations projected on a piece of glass overrepparttar 118518 page. Worst of all arerepparttar 118519 Mouse-Trappers and High-Speed Spawners, so called because they break your browser's Back button and/or disablerepparttar 118520 Close box and often also haverepparttar 118521 ability to replicate windows faster than you can get rid of them.

Most legitimate web sites try to avoid using misleading ads to get clicks but some allowrepparttar 118522 trick banner, that is, an ad that mimics a dialog box. When you click its OK button to dismiss a system message, you are automatically drawn into a spiral of other web ads: a total nightmare! Then there's also adware like TopText, which skulks onto your system when you install certain shareware or freeware programs and then spawns its own pop-ups to compete with those launched byrepparttar 118523 sites you visit.

Since a future free of annoying pop up ads does not appear to be a very feasible possibility, if you want to put an end torepparttar 118524 madness on your desktop you can either use ad-blocking software to eliminate most ads that appear in your browser, or you could apply some ad-blocking techniques without using ad-blocking software. If you go forrepparttar 118525 second alternative, all you have to do is turn off all graphics, Java, JavaScript, and Flash in your browser - and sacrifice nearly allrepparttar 118526 interactivity and usefulness of your web experience inrepparttar 118527 process. That is why software that selectively removesrepparttar 118528 annoying ads is probablyrepparttar 118529 smartest solution.

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