Fourth of July Safety

Written by Jill Nelson

Of allrepparttar holidays throughoutrepparttar 140932 year,repparttar 140933 Fourth of July typically presentsrepparttar 140934 greatest risk of fire danger and injuries for adults and children. Unsafe use of fireworks, sparklers and glow sticks are a serious concern. These products can be potentially harmful to individuals of all ages. So, before you swirl around a sparkler, light a firework or sport a glow stick around your neck or wrist, keep in mind these precautions to ensurerepparttar 140935 safety of you and everyone around you.

As usual,repparttar 140936 Fourth of July celebrations show many types of fireworks and other explosives. Fireworks can be very exciting and fun to watch; however they haverepparttar 140937 potential to become very dangerous torepparttar 140938 people lighting them as well asrepparttar 140939 bystanders. When lighting fireworks, make sure you followrepparttar 140940 instructions andrepparttar 140941 warnings onrepparttar 140942 labels. If a firework does not burn when you light it, do not try and light it again, this can pose huge injury risks. Did you know that most firework accidents are a result of people going back to light a firework which did not lightrepparttar 140943 first time? The safest choice, if you want to see fireworks onrepparttar 140944 Fourth of July, is to attend a local event, where you can watch a fireworks display created by professionals. This will be much safer for you, your family and your friends.

Sparklers are a great way to light uprepparttar 140945 night onrepparttar 140946 Fourth of July. As exciting as these items may seem to small children, it is important that they be used only by children 5 years of age or older. Children younger than 5 years old are too young to understand how to use them properly. When using sparklers make sure your child’s clothes are tight-fitting, sorepparttar 140947 sparkler does not catch fire onrepparttar 140948 clothes. If you have children with longer hair, make sure their hair is tied back since it is very easy for long hair to catch fire. Keep Sparklers away from other people and whenrepparttar 140949 sparkler is finished, place it (hot end down) into a bucket of water. Do not putrepparttar 140950 sparkler onrepparttar 140951 ground – it can end up piercing a foot or starting a fire!

Play N Party Drug: Crystal Meth

Written by Steve Clark

Crystal meth is an intensive stimulant with disinhibitory qualities. Crystal meth is one street form ofrepparttar drug, methamphetamine hydrochloride, which comes in clear, chunky crystals, which are then inhaled or smoked. It can be easily produced in small, clandestine labs, sometimes in a kitchen or bathroom, by mixing a cocktail of about 15 substances, mostly pseudoephedrine (a cold remedy), red phosphorous and iodine, but also including ammonia, paint thinner, ether, Drano andrepparttar 140844 lithium from batteries. This has made crystal meth a widespread problem inrepparttar 140845 United States and many people have found themselves addicted to this powerful drug.

It is known by many names such as "ice," "speed," "meth," "crank," "glass," and others but often hasrepparttar 140846 same disastrous results onrepparttar 140847 individual takingrepparttar 140848 drug. It is a white powder that tastes bitter but is odorless in its powdered form. The drug can be snorted, smoked, injected or swallowed to deliverrepparttar 140849 high.

According to mental health workers, police and research scientists,repparttar 140850 people who use crystal meth include:

•Large numbers of rural and small town poor across North America.

•Some young people inrepparttar 140851 rave and dance scene.

•Some young people who want to lose weight.

•Gay males involved inrepparttar 140852 dance scene or who frequent bathhouses.

Addiction experts say crystal meth first became popular in poor areas of rural North America for a number of reasons. It was a cheap high and, in initial stages of use, it actually gaverepparttar 140853 energy that allowedrepparttar 140854 user to keep working. It was also considered "cool" by young people who did not have big-city connections to other street drugs.

A recent Statistics “Canada survey of teenagers” showed that among those who answered questions about drug use:

•34 per cent had tried marijuana.

•4 per cent had used ecstasy.

•3 per cent had used crack cocaine.

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