Four VoicesWritten by Daniel N Brown
Copyright 2005 Daniel N BrownThe Bible tells us that we must be led by Holy Spirit. Since there are always four voices we hear speaking to us at any given time, we must learn to distinguish each one so that we are able to do right things. 1. The most obvious voice is our own and it speaks to us in a variety of ways. It is always telling us what we want, what we think, and what we feel. The Bible refers to our mind, will, and emotions as our "flesh nature." 2. Another voice that clamors for our attention is voice of other people. They are usually telling us what they want, what they think, and what they feel. 3. The third voice is voice of devil. He is very subtle and speaks to us through worldly ideas and viewpoints that he has injected into other people. 4. The fourth voice is voice of God and He speaks to us in our spirits. He does not speak to us in our minds. Unfortunately, that's where most people spend most of their thought life, in their heads. Again, Bible refers to this as "the mind of flesh" (Romans 8:7, AMP).
| | Making DecisionsWritten by Judi Singleton
Because we lack understanding about intuition we often do not trust it as a decision making too. The phenomena we call "common-sense" "sixth-sense", "inspiration", "gut-feeling",may all be same thing. Likewise, what we call "intuition" may actually be more than one phenomena. Each instance of "intuition" could involve any of a number of thought processes, some reliable and others not. At same time, it seems likely that at least one of procedures we classify as "intuition" would be a subconscious application of predictive deduction. Perhaps what we call intuition is in fact experience, others experiences, like what we have read in a book, mass consciousness, like what anyone has ever thought about this. Jung called this collective unconscious. Here is a creative exercise to access your intuition: Alternative Scenarios Scenarios are developed specifically for a particular problem. To begin developing scenarios: State specific decision that needs to be made. Identify major environmental forces that impact on decision. For example, suppose you need to decide how to deversify your funds in order to be positioned for opportunities that might emerge by year 2010. The major environmental forces might include social values, economic growth world-wide and international trade access (tariffs etc.).