Four Reasons Why Small Businesses Succeed (or Fail)

Written by Robert A.Normand

The American system of business management has been admired and emulated aroundrepparttar world. This system is characteristic of two traits inrepparttar 103545 American psyche: (1) enthusiasm forrepparttar 103546 future and making things better, and (2) an openness and willingness to change in order to achieve that end.

No society inrepparttar 103547 world is better or more prolific at creating new businesses thanrepparttar 103548 United States capitalistic system but often we are so busy commercializing ideas and starting new ventures that we don’t takerepparttar 103549 time to learn basic, successful management principles that have been developed by our larger companies.

Many entrepreneurs are technical experts in what they do but start a business without any formal training or experience in management practices and principles. By “management” here we meanrepparttar 103550 business of successfully managingrepparttar 103551 non-technical side ofrepparttar 103552 business,repparttar 103553 “back room” activities. As a result of inadequate management, many small businesses fail inrepparttar 103554 early years. They fail not because of a weakness inrepparttar 103555 product or service concept they have, but becauserepparttar 103556 business was not properly managed inrepparttar 103557 back office.

Once a business has emerged or grown to a certain level, management techniques must change orrepparttar 103558 business will run into trouble. For many small businesses this level is $1-3 million in annual sales or 5-15 employees. Sometimesrepparttar 103559 critical point is smaller and sometimes it is larger, however, when it occurs,repparttar 103560 owner or manager of a small business must evolve, morph or otherwise change from a manager of things to a manager of people and from a technical expert to a strategic thinker.

This is often a difficult task because of ingrained habits developed over time but failure to grow as a manager is a major, perhapsrepparttar 103561 major reason why a business will falter, stagnate or even collapse under its own weight.

But what do successful businesses have that troubled businesses don’t? First of all, owners of successful businesses have developed personal characteristics that exhibit themselves in their businesses:

•Invariably they have a positive attitude towards their business and life in general.

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed byrepparttar 103562 things you didn't do than byrepparttar 103563 ones you did do. So throw offrepparttar 103564 bowlines. Sail away fromrepparttar 103565 safe harbor. Catchrepparttar 103566 trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” Mark Twain

•They are committed to their effort.

“The only place you’ll find success before work is inrepparttar 103567 dictionary.” May B. Smith

•They are patient.

“Entrepreneurs are simply those who understand that there is little difference between obstacle and opportunity and are able to turn both to their advantage." Victor Kiam

•They are persistent.

“Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” Thomas Edison

Secondly,repparttar 103568 owners of successful businesses have developed a business blueprint called a Strategic Business Plan that clearly describes their business concept, their mission and their philosophy of business. In this document, they have set personal and corporate goals and set out specific time lines and strategies to achieve them.

Thirdly,repparttar 103569 owners of successful businesses have developed an Organizational Structure that functions as a well-oiled machine. This structure, including all its policies and procedures, encourages all associates to perform to their utmost capabilities. It rewards those who excel in proportion to their contributions. It also disciplines those who deviate from acceptable behavior. Positions, tasks, duties and responsibilities are defined and communicated and performance is routinely measured. Training, job enrichment programs and incentive compensation plans are designed to encourage each associate to excel. Successful owners view their associates as their most valuable asset and resource.

Fourth and last,repparttar 103570 owners of successful businesses have developed Operational Support Systems. These may be financial or non-financial, manual or automated. The objective of these systems is to support and make efficient allrepparttar 103571 activities ofrepparttar 103572 organization. Well structured, they also relieve management of many day to day routine activities, giving owners more time to be strategic thinkers. The information provided by these tracking systems provide critical information on sales, cash flow and other financial performance data so that senior management can take timely action as change occurs. Red flags appear early, before problems become unmanageable.

IN SUMMARY, THE FOUR KEYS TO SUCCESSFUL SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT ARE: (1) Owners have developed habits and traits that are Positive, Committed, Patient and Persistent. (2) A living Strategic Business Plan is in place. (3) An Organizational Structure has been developed that encourages people to be their best and helps them do so. (4) Operational Support Systems are used that track performance and relieve senior management of daily detail yet supply them with critical data to managerepparttar 103573 business.

Let’s go a littler deeper into what is meant by a Strategic Business Plan.

Successful businesses operate within a planned framework. A Strategic Business Plan is written for a minimum of three years or two years beyondrepparttar 103574 current budget year. The plan describesrepparttar 103575 company’s mission to serve its customers. It analyzes its corporate and marketing strengths and how they will be exploited. It addresses its weaknesses and how they will be overcome. It identifies its target markets and pricing strategies and it identifies and describes strategic alliances or business partners that may be crucial to success duringrepparttar 103576 planning period. The plan describes positions on any other issues seen as critical torepparttar 103577 long term health or viability ofrepparttar 103578 business.

With a current and meaningful business planrepparttar 103579 company stands its best chance of continued success and achievement. Without a viable business planrepparttar 103580 company runsrepparttar 103581 risk best described inrepparttar 103582 old adage: “Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail”.

Now let’s look a little deeper at what we mean by Organizational Structure.

The basic building blocks of organizational structure for a business are:

•An Organizational Chart depicting key functions of company operations and reporting relationships betweenrepparttar 103583 functions

•Job Descriptions for managers, supervisors and professionals that detail reporting relationships, physical/mental/special job requirements, skills, duties and responsibilities and standards of performance for each function

•Task and Duty Lists for plant workers, utility personnel and other laborers that detail reporting relationships, physical/mental/special job requirements, skills, duties and responsibilities and standards of performance

•An objective Job Performance Evaluation System that measures performance of all employees and encourages continuous improvement

•Information Guidelines including an Employee Handbook and a Policies & Procedures Manual that communicate acceptable boundaries andrepparttar 103584 preferred methods by which employees are expected to operate

Start a Business without a Masterplan for Success and You're 95% Certain to Fail!

Written by Jim Green

Fact: Only 5% of People Who Start a Business Make it into Year 6.

“95% of small business start ups fail within 5 years. Two-thirds of new employer firms survive at least two years, and about half survive at least four years.” (Source: Small Business Administration 2004).

How can this be whenrepparttar same US Government source claims that small firms represent more than 99.7% of all employers? Why isrepparttar 103544 failure rate so high? Here’s why. 95%of all start ups have no masterplan in position atrepparttar 103545 outset and in consequence flounder and sink without a trace.

What’s more, this alarming fatality quotient applies equally to offline and online enterprises. Even worse, tens of thousands more start a business every day and follow exactlyrepparttar 103546 same route to disaster.

Fact: Google lists in excess of 12,000,000 web sites offering advice on how to start a business - but how many I wonder emanate from people who’ve actually done it for themselves.

My site does...

I’ve founded, owned and operated dozens of small businesses – and I’m still doing it. I’ve also authored two widely-acclaimed bestselling hard copy books onrepparttar 103547 topic, ‘Starting Your Own Business’ (How To Books ISBN 1-85703-859-2) and ‘Starting an Internet Business at Home’ (Kogan Page ISBN 0-7494-3484-8); titles that sell in big numbers online at and offline in bookstores throughoutrepparttar 103548 world.

Now I’m unzipping my case notes spanning forty years of successful independent commercial activity to present you with an all-in-one masterplan to ensure success before you start a business – and to maintain momentum in tandem with your endeavors so that you don’t end up inrepparttar 103549 same place as 95% of start ups:repparttar 103550 dump truck.

The All-in-One Start a Business Masterplan doesn’t simply focus on getting you up and running. Asrepparttar 103551 Ultimate Start a Business Compendium it goes deeper, much deeper. In its 4 individual tutorials it aims atrepparttar 103552 creative heart of operating a small enterprise: how to start a business with failsafe offline and online strategies, how to avoidrepparttar 103553 crucial mistakes that cripple 95% of all start ups, and how to sustain progress with tried, tested, proven stratagems.

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