Four Keys to Successful Journaling

Written by Christin Snyder

Four Keys to Successful Journaling By Christin Snyder

In part one of “The Healing Powers of Journaling” we exploredrepparttar various ways that journaling aids in personal empowerment and healing. By usingrepparttar 129037 following four guidelines, you can ensure you are gettingrepparttar 129038 most out of your journaling experience.

*Avoidrepparttar 129039 pitfall of writing for others

As a writer myself, I know all too wellrepparttar 129040 tendency to write everything as if it were my next piece for publication. In journaling, it is best to express yourself freely, withoutrepparttar 129041 restriction of grammar rules, spelling, and allrepparttar 129042 other things that can cause distractions fromrepparttar 129043 genuine purpose ofrepparttar 129044 writing.

When we write for an audience or to silencerepparttar 129045 inner critic, we become less candid and our writing is not an authentic expression of our true self.

*Be honest

There often comesrepparttar 129046 tendency to want to color our writing through judgment. We don’’t’ want to face things we deem as “unacceptable” . Whenrepparttar 129047 voice ofrepparttar 129048 inner critic kicks in, it can be difficult not to “sugar coat” . Writing that avoidsrepparttar 129049 reality or depth of our thoughts/emotions does a great disservice. If you feel like slapping someone on a particular day, express it, don’t cover it up through downgrading it. If we are to learn from our thoughts/feelings/reactions then we must have a healthy outlet to express ourselves freely.

*Record events objectively first, then go back

Record events and experiences as they happened, before writing about your reaction to them. For example, if you had an argument with a loved one write point by point what happened; ie. Mom came over we were watching TV she said she agreed withrepparttar 129050 host and I did not. I commented on my distaste forrepparttar 129051 program. She appeared to be upset. We had an argument. This explains simply what happened. Once you have recordedrepparttar 129052 event, then go forward and fill inrepparttar 129053 blanks, explaining howrepparttar 129054 incident made you feel, what your thoughts were, and how you reacted.

Journaling Exercises

Written by Christin Snyder

Journaling Exercises

Onrepparttar path to healing, journaling can be a very powerful tool of self-discovery. It allows us a venue to release things we may otherwise keep bottled up. It allows us to creatively express our ideas, organize our thoughts, and allow us to review our progress.

Below is a list of healing journaling exercises designed to draw out inner feelings, uncover hidden thoughts/beliefs that may be hinderingrepparttar 129035 healing process, and help you set realistic goals for yourself.

How do I see myself?

Close your eyes for a few moments, and pay attention to what comes to mind as you think, “this is how I see myself”. Write down or draw any symbolism, colors, shapes, etc that come to mind. What feelings come up? What doesrepparttar 129036 symbology say to you?

How do I want to see myself?

Close your eyes for a few minutes. Envision yourself at peak health, physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Write down or sketch out any symbolism, colors, shapes etc. Describe yourself, including your surroundings, your feelings, and your thoughts.

The person I most admire and why

Name a person who inspires you. What about this person do you admire most? What qualities do they embody that you would like to see more of in yourself? What unique contribution has he/she made torepparttar 129037 world, and how has this affected you?

The person I least admire and why

Name a person whose actions and/or attitudes you question. How do you allow this person to affect you? What does he/she do that really bothers you and why? Does this person embody something that you have a hard time accepting within yourself?

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