Four Employee Behaviors That Can Kill Your Business

Written by Jan B. King

Four Employee Behaviors that can Kill Your Business

I found it important to clarify for employees what “deal-breaker” behavior was at my company. These arerepparttar things I insisted would not be tolerated and would lead to immediate or ultimate termination, depending onrepparttar 104154 nature ofrepparttar 104155 infraction of these hard and fast rules. Here are repparttar 104156 behaviors I would not tolerate:

1. Gossip. Rumors can be incredibly disruptive to a company. A lack of information can get rumors started, and frank explanations can usually stop them. However, some employees thrive onrepparttar 104157 admiration of others when they seem to be “inrepparttar 104158 know.” Define gossip as clearly as you can and tell employees what you expect them to do when they hear it. First and foremost, that you don’t repeat it. Alongrepparttar 104159 same lines of gossip, remind employees that all e-mail sent or received on company computers is considered company business and not private correspondence.

2. Violence or threatening or abusive behavior. Termination should be immediate for any employee who engages in any form of violent or abusive behavior. Workplace violence includes threatened or actual abuse and can be verbal or physical. These behaviors only escalate with time and are never excusable. Any employees involved in workplace violence should leaverepparttar 104160 workplace immediately and be placed on a paid leave of absence for a few days while you investigate repparttar 104161 situation and consult with your attorney. Don’t assume this couldn’t happen in your company—it’s estimated byrepparttar 104162 Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) that two million Americans are victims of workplace violence annually.

The Top 10 Reasons Businesses Succeed

Written by Jan B. King

The Top 10 Reasons Businesses Succeed

Only one of every 5 businesses makes it to its 5th year, and fewer still make it to 10 years. What dorepparttar successful businesses have in common?

1.The experience and skills ofrepparttar 104153 top managers. Over half of business failures are directly related to managerial incompetence.

2.The energy, persistence and resourcefulness (the will to makerepparttar 104154 business succeed) ofrepparttar 104155 top managers. Many business owners have failed or come close several times before their “instant” success. Don’t give up.

3.A product that is at least a cut aboverepparttar 104156 competition and service that doesn’t get inrepparttar 104157 way of people buying. There must be a compelling reason to buy;repparttar 104158 product is great,repparttar 104159 people love to provide service, andrepparttar 104160 buying experience is easy and fun.

4.The ability to create a “buzz” aroundrepparttar 104161 product with aggressive and strategic marketing. Make scarce marketing resources count. Do as much homework about your customers and their choices as you can before investing your marketing dollars.

5.Deal-making skills to sellrepparttar 104162 product atrepparttar 104163 highest possible price given your market. It comes down to your customers’ perception ofrepparttar 104164 value of your product and sometimesrepparttar 104165 power of your personality.

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