Fossil Watches for Fans

Written by Ratliff J

If you have a favorite movie, show, or even college sports team, Fossil may have a watch for you. Living in Texas, my favorite is of course their Texas Longhorn collegiate watch. Fossil watches are very nice to wear, and will not cost

Get more than just "a presence" on the Internet

Written by David Leonhardt

Get more than just "a presence" onrepparttar Internet By David Leonhardt

The water purification salesman had been talking to us for what seemed like hours. During a lull in his monologue, I asked if he had a website.

"Yes. In fact, we arerepparttar 108670 only independent distributors of this product who does," he proudly beamed.

"So you get a lot of leads fromrepparttar 108671 website, then?" I asked.

"No, actually I don't think we've gotten a single lead from it," he replied.

"Then why do you have a website?" I wanted to know.

"To have a presence onrepparttar 108672 Internet."

A few days later, our home inspector was giving us an update onrepparttar 108673 state of our house. We had bought it a few years earlier in winter, when snow was onrepparttar 108674 ground and onrepparttar 108675 roof, and we thought an update would be a worthwhile investment.

"Do you have a website?" I asked.

"Yes, I do. But, I don't think a single customer found me that way."

"Then why do you have a website?" I asked.

"To have a presence onrepparttar 108676 Internet."

A lot of entrepreneurs and small businesses are sold on paying for a website because it is important to have a presence onrepparttar 108677 Internet. For many businesses, that is true. But what does "a presence" mean?

Would you open up a store inrepparttar 108678 corner office ofrepparttar 108679 fifth floor of an office building, or would you open it up inrepparttar 108680 mall?

Would you leaverepparttar 108681 windows bare, or would you fillrepparttar 108682 windows with merchandise and openrepparttar 108683 door to make your store inviting?

Would you ignore customers when they enterrepparttar 108684 store, or would you carefully place merchandise and staff to maximizerepparttar 108685 revenue from each visit?

"A presence" is only valuable ifrepparttar 108686 website serves a purpose, if it fulfills its goals. Just sitting there, somewhere in cyberspace, is not a sound business strategy. An experienced website marketing consultant can help you determine what goals, if any, are viable for your business website.

Here are a few ofrepparttar 108687 goals you might want for your website:

Online pamphlet.

If you connect with customers by telephone, this is an ideal way to instantly deliver a pamphlet to them. No mailing, no delays, they can even call up your information while you are onrepparttar 108688 phone with them. This website has to look credible and be choc full of information.

Credibility booster.

If you are selling a big ticket item, particularly one that requires a good reputation, a website can help. This website should look upscale and focus on credibility-boosting content. It is ideal for speakers, consultants and other business-to-business service providers.

Lead generator.

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