Forget The Hype!

Written by Anna-Marie Stewart

So you`re new torepparttar internet, and want to learn everything you can about internet marketing. Or at leastrepparttar 120983 essential basics, and you want a place to go to findrepparttar 120984 answers to all of your questions?

I hate to tell you this, and I`m really sorry, but as far as I know, there IS no one-stop source to learningrepparttar 120985 essential marketing skills, apart from school maybe, but I will TRY to answer some questions you may have from my own experience:

Let`s see, I started out with absolutely NO computer knowledge at all. Went to chatrooms, talked with people, got me some contacts, then one day I got a junkmail full of hype (that I believed...hehehe) and promptly started joining affiliate programs. I joined this one, that one andrepparttar 120986 other one, all full of promises that I`d be mega-rich within a few months. Being a newbie, I swallowed it all. Hook, line and sinker. None of it ever panned out right though.

I lost some money, not huge amounts, but more than I`d care to remember, so I started withrepparttar 120987 free stuff. I didn`t have any knowledge on building downlines and stuff, so that didn`t work neither. Then I started helping people I referred to various things, and things looked slightly better. It was all free stuff that didn`t make me any real money, but it gave me traffic to other free sites I was promoting, I got downlines, and I got contacts, so I knew it was working.

After that, I kinda concentrated on helping everybody I came across, torepparttar 120988 point where that was ALL I was doing, and funnily enough, I loved it. Still didn`t make me money, but it made me feel great.

That`s how my ezine came about. I wanted to help people as much as possible, teach them to steer clear of hype, stick dilligently to one thing, and build a good downline in it, whilst showing them how to help each other. You`ll find that any articles I`ve written to date(05/15/03) cover these things.

I will say that there are a couple of "skills" needed for anybody wanting to be an online marketer.

Firstly, you need a touch of "blindness" so you don`t even LOOK at allrepparttar 120989 hype, because if it LOOKS too good to be true, then it more than likely is.

You need deep concentration, and dedication, to help you stick with one thing, and you need to be able to work really hard at getting that one thing to work.

You also need a lock and key on your wallet. It`s real easy to buy into this that andrepparttar 120990 other program, and before you know it, you`ve used a LOT more money than you can afford to lose. There`s always a risk that any money you use, could be lost forever, so always keep that in mind.

In PR, You Must Choose Your 'Enemy' Wisely

Written by Rusty Cawley

Whenrepparttar great Carthaginian general Hannibal was just a boy, his father forced him to declare his undying hatred for Rome. After his father’s death, Hannibal used that rage to propel him in a lifelong battle withrepparttar 120982 emerging Roman Empire.

Hannibal crossedrepparttar 120983 Alps with his army and its elephants. He defeatedrepparttar 120984 Romans in battle after battle. Unfortunately for Carthage, Hannibal was wonderful at winning battles, but incompetent at winning wars.

After Hannibal’s death, Rome took its wrath upon Carthage. The Romans destroyedrepparttar 120985 city, soldrepparttar 120986 inhabitants into slavery and sowedrepparttar 120987 land with salt so that no city could ever rise on that spot again.

The story of Hannibal points out two truths about developing a singular identity. First, it helps to choose a well-known enemy. Two thousand years after his death, Hannibal still ranks with Alexander, Caesar and Napoleon as one ofrepparttar 120988 most famous generals of all time. (Just as Hannibal had Rome as his enemy, Alexander had Persia, Caesar had Pompey and Napoleon had Wellington.)

Second, it is important to chooserepparttar 120989 right enemy. By choosing Rome, Hannibal selected an enemy he could not defeat, an enemy he was force to fight on its home turf, and an enemy that was so ruthless that it wiped Carthage fromrepparttar 120990 earth.

So what isrepparttar 120991 right enemy?

To begin, it’s important to realize there are two kinds of useful enemies.

The first is competition.

If you are anything less thatrepparttar 120992 No.1 brand in your category, then your competitive enemy is whoever is on top. For Pepsi,repparttar 120993 enemy is Coke. For Oracle,repparttar 120994 enemy is Microsoft. For Reebok,repparttar 120995 enemy is Nike.

If you are clearlyrepparttar 120996 No. 1 brand, then your enemy isrepparttar 120997 No. 2 brand. You can’t declare war on everyone. You must define your enemy to get any use out of your enemy. Always try to definerepparttar 120998 battle as No. 1 versus No. 2., and forget everyone else. The second kind of useful enemy is a public problem. This type of enemy gives yourepparttar 120999 opportunity to define your identity by seizing an issue.

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