Forget The Economy -- Your Thoughts Really Create Your Business Reality.

Written by Debbie Bermont

Throughout history people have built wildly successful businesses aroundrepparttar world starting with no money and no formal business education. If you were to study these people you would find they have one very important thing in common. They believed in their own success and ability to attract money into their life.

My grandfather was an example of an entrepreneur who overcame great financial hardship to achieve wealth in his lifetime. He had immigrated torepparttar 103317 United States when he was eight years old from Russia in 1913 with his family. Byrepparttar 103318 time he was eleven he left school to start his own business so he could help support his poor family. He never returned to a formal education and spentrepparttar 103319 rest of his life building a multi-million dollar empire of several businesses starting with no money. He built extremely successful businesses during World War One, World War Two, during times of economic growth and during economic depression.

Although he started out with empty pockets, in his mind he considered himself to be rich. Despite being a poor Russian immigrant and having only a fifth grade education, my grandfather practiced how to be rich fromrepparttar 103320 time he was very young. He focused on what he was going to get, not what he didn' t have.

My grandfather focused on an internal state of prosperity consciousness. He didn't pay attention to whatrepparttar 103321 economy was doing. He was always looking for opportunities. And he found them...everywhere! He never focused on lack. He focused on prosperity.

If you focus your thoughts on lack in any area of your business you will have a problem before you ever begin to spend a dime on marketing. Your thoughts about money have a direct affect onrepparttar 103322 growth of your business. That is whyrepparttar 103323 first step to achieving business success is to create an internal focus of prosperity consciousness before you externally focus on how to develop new business.

Your thoughts are governed byrepparttar 103324 universal law of energy - what you focus on becomes your reality. In other words, your thoughts aboutrepparttar 103325 success of your business are a form of energy. As soon as these thoughts turn into a feeling you will have some sort of physical experience in your body which either constricts or expandsrepparttar 103326 energy flow to your business. You can either focus on expansion in your business which is "prosperity consciousness" or constriction in your business which is "lack consciousness."

Successful people approach their business with an internal prosperity consciousness which opens uprepparttar 103327 energy flow to their business. When you internally focus on prosperity consciousness your thoughts are concentrated on what you have now and what you can get including more customers, more referral sources, more sales, new products and new markets. When you internally focus on lack consciousness your thoughts are always focused on what you don't have which constrictsrepparttar 103328 energy flow to your business. And you end up with more of what you didn't want - a lack of business.

Let's first explore what happens torepparttar 103329 energy flow to your business when you have thoughts of lack. Here are examples of thoughts which illustrate lack consciousness:

#1) I don't have enough money to pay my business bills or payroll. #2) My business sales are not increasing fast enough. #3) I don't have enough customers. #4) My competitors are stealing my market share. #5) I'm worried that my business will go bankrupt. #6) I need a larger budget to market my business. #7) I don't haverepparttar 103330 business skills to make my business successful. #8) I'm afraid my business sales will decline ifrepparttar 103331 economy takes a downturn. #9) I will never be successful in growing my business. #10) There is not enough business for me and my competitors.

Every time you have a thought about an area of lack in your business it is accompanied by a feeling. The feeling can be fear, stress, struggle or anxiety. These are typicallyrepparttar 103332 emotions most people experience when they are worried about their financial situation. These emotions constrict your energy and prevent you from attracting into your liferepparttar 103333 very things you desire and don't have right now.

Focus is the Key to a Successful Startup

Written by Wil Schroter

Focus isrepparttar key to a successful startup The definition of a startup means you have very few resources to employ and little time to get them to do something valuable. The clock is always ticking, andrepparttar 103316 money (if you even have any) is running out byrepparttar 103317 day. With so little to leverage, you need to make sure thatrepparttar 103318 focus of your company's product offer is as razor sharp as possible.

Don't be all you can be. Be as little as you can be.

Most startup companies fail because they try to be too many things to too many people right fromrepparttar 103319 onset. They think of every possible option they could load into their product offer. While this may give themrepparttar 103320 feeling of being one ofrepparttar 103321 “big boys,”repparttar 103322 grim reality is they are not. In fact by trying to be too many things fromrepparttar 103323 start, these companies often end up delivering no real value at all. Instead of trying to be all things to all people, try being one thing to all people. Think of PayPal,repparttar 103324 highly successful startup that allowed users to e-mail money overrepparttar 103325 Internet to each other. PayPal could have chosen a million options for their offer. They could have become an on-line credit card company, an auction site, a loan provider and so on. But what maderepparttar 103326 company successful was their focus on only one offer – e-mailing money from one person torepparttar 103327 other. PayPal did one simple thing so well thatrepparttar 103328 industry giant eBay purchased them for $1.5 billion in 2002, even after eBay had already builtrepparttar 103329 same service themselves. PayPal is a great example of a company keeping a sharp focus one doing on thing right even when so many great opportunities could have easily distracted them.

Bite off less than you can chew Delivering your product to market is an amazing feat to begin with. Even still, a common problem among small companies is their inability to predict what it will take to actually support a product once it has gone to market. It’s easy to conceive complex products with lots of features. But actually bringing that product to market and supporting its use with customers is a whole different story. Instead of trying to roll out everything andrepparttar 103330 kitchen sink in your approach to market, just roll outrepparttar 103331 sink. If you find that you can support your product just fine after it’s been successfully selling inrepparttar 103332 first year, then go ahead and add to it. It’s a lot easier to add features alongrepparttar 103333 way than it is to support features you don’t haverepparttar 103334 resources for to begin with. You have ten seconds to get it right Your customer has a life, even if you do not. They are being constantly bombarded with marketing messages fromrepparttar 103335 latest movies releases torepparttar 103336 newest type of shampoo. They don’t haverepparttar 103337 time or energy to stop their entire day to focus on just your product. So if you are lucky enough to have ten seconds of their attention, you had better make good use of it. The exercise of developing your value proposition in ten seconds is a great way to distill down your feature set to those items that will get people’s attention right away. If it’s not going to add value torepparttar 103338 ten second pitch, it’s not critical to your product’s success. If you can’t get your customer’s attention withrepparttar 103339 one key benefit to your product,repparttar 103340 rest of your features will never seerepparttar 103341 light of day to begin with.

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