For Both Search Engines And Real Estate, Location Is Everything

Written by Kirk Bannerman

It's all about location, location, location!

Inrepparttar past...back inrepparttar 141977 days when Google was IT when it came to natural search results...everyone was very focused (or shall we say obsessed?) on Google page rank.

Now that Google is a public company andrepparttar 141978 search business has become competitive (most notably due torepparttar 141979 serious search capabilities now being offered by Yahoo and Microsoft, via MSN), Google has become much more "private" or secretive about things like page rank, backlinks, etc.

As a matter of fact, many are ofrepparttar 141980 opinion that Google is now intentionally displaying outdated page rank and backlink information onrepparttar 141981 Google Toolbar in an effort to maskrepparttar 141982 true workings of Google and to frustraterepparttar 141983 Search Engine Optimization (SEO) community, which had become fairly skillful at "playingrepparttar 141984 Google game". If this isrepparttar 141985 case, then Google page rank fixation is now pure folly.

Another factor that is closely watched by webmasters isrepparttar 141986 Alexa traffic rank. This traffic rank is based on three months of aggregated historical traffic data from millions of Alexa Toolbar users.

However,repparttar 141987 Alexa user base is only a sample ofrepparttar 141988 Internet population, and sites with relatively low traffic will not be accurately ranked by Alexa due torepparttar 141989 statistical limitations of repparttar 141990 sample.

The Google Algorithm Revealed

Written by Darren Yates

How many years did you register your domain name for?

If it's only one then that's a point against you in Googles eyes.


Becauserepparttar majority of Spam websites only register a domain name for one year. A domain registered for a longer period implies thatrepparttar 141453 owner is more likely to be legitimate and serious about their web site.

This is just one ofrepparttar 141454 unusual factors now considered by Google when indexing and ranking a website. Factors you could never even have guessed at in some cases.

How do I know this?

Google have recently filed United States Patent Application 20050071741 on March 31, 2005.

In which many ofrepparttar 141455 search giants secret ranking criteria is revealed and it makes very interesting reading. You have got to read this if you're serious about ranking well in Google. The days of Spaming Google are drawing to a close. With this patent they reveal just how hard they're coming down on Spam sites. You Do Not want to get caught out.

Below you will findrepparttar 141456 hard facts, I recommend you bookmark this page now. You will need to reference it each time you optimize a new site.

• First of all Links. It's common knowledge that Google relies heavily on inbound relevant links to rank a site. Now they explain exactly how it works. :)

This is a major factor so I'll take a few paragraphs to explain what is going on.

As well asrepparttar 141457 number, quality and anchor text factors of a link. Google seems to also consider historical factors. Googles 'sandbox' or aging delay begins countdownrepparttar 141458 minute links to a new site are discovered.

Google recordrepparttar 141459 discovery of a link and link changes over time. The speed at which a site gains links andrepparttar 141460 link life span.

With this in mind fast link acquisition may be a strong indicator of potential search engine Spam.

Gone arerepparttar 141461 days of pages and pages full of link farms. You must grow your links slowly to stay belowrepparttar 141462 radar and be careful who you exchange links with. That means no more buying hundreds of links at once or other underhand tactics.

PR is now very valuable.

Your link anchor text should vary but remain consistent with your site content. No more using your main keywords on every link exchange you gain. That's 'anchor Spam'. Instead vary them around your top five to ten keywords.

Link exchanges are still very important but you must work and utilize them ethically. If you don't and you get caughtrepparttar 141463 recovery from a ban can be months in coming and your host and IP may also be recorded.

Softly softly seems to berepparttar 141464 message. The fact is fewer but better quality links will benefit you more anyway and likely to be more long-term which is good to.

• Site click through rates (CTR) may now be monitored through cache, temporary files, bookmarks and favorites. Viarepparttar 141465 Google toolbar or desktop tools. Many have suspected for some time that sites are reward for good CTR with a raise in ranking. Similar to how Adwords works.

CTR is monitored to see if fresh or stale content is preferred for a search result.

CTR is monitored for increases or decreases relating to trends or seasons.

• Web page rankings are recorded and monitored for changes.

• The traffic to a web page is recorded and monitored over time.

• Sites can be ranked seasonally. A ski site may rank higher inrepparttar 141466 winter than inrepparttar 141467 summer. Google can monitor and rank pages by recording CTR changes by season.

• Bookmarks and favorites could be monitored for changes, deletions or additions.

• User behavior in general could be monitored.

As Google is capable of tracking traffic to your site you should closely monitorrepparttar 141468 small amount of copy returned in search results. Ideally you want to integrate a call to action in there to increase CTR.

Clicks away from your site back torepparttar 141469 search results are also monitored. Make your site as sticky as possible to keep visitors there longer. As mentioned above it may also help if you could get your visitors to bookmark you.

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