Food Sources That Boost Glutathione Naturally

Written by Priya Shah

Copyright © 2004 Priya Shah

Glutathione,repparttar body's master antioxidant and detoxifier, is one ofrepparttar 115091 14 "Superfoods" listed in SuperFoods Rx : Fourteen Foods That Will Change Your Life, co-authored by Dr Steven Pratt.

Glutathione levels cannot be increased to a clinically beneficial extent by orally ingesting a single dose of glutathione. (1) This is because glutathione is manufactured insiderepparttar 115092 cell, from its precursor amino acids, glycine, glutamate and cystine.

Hence food sources or supplements that increase glutathione must either providerepparttar 115093 precursors of glutathione, or enhance its production by some other means.

The manufacture of glutathione in cells is limited byrepparttar 115094 levels of its sulphur-containing precursor amino acid, cysteine.

Cysteine - as a free amino acid - is potentially toxic and is spontaneously catabolized or destroyed inrepparttar 115095 gastrointestinal tract and blood plasma. However, when it is present as a cysteine-cysteine dipeptide, called cystine, it is more stable than cysteine.

Consuming foods rich in sulphur-containing amino acids can help boost glutathione levels. Here are some food sources and dietary supplements that help boost glutathione levels naturally.

1. N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC)

It is derived fromrepparttar 115096 amino acid L-Cysteine, and acts as a precursor of glutathione. NAC is quickly metabolized into glutathione once it entersrepparttar 115097 body. It has been proven in numerous scientific studies and clinical trials, to boost intracellular production of glutathione, and is approved byrepparttar 115098 FDA for treatment of accetaminophen overdose. Because of glutathione's mucolytic action, NAC (brand name Mucomyst) is commonly used inrepparttar 115099 treatment of lung diseases like cystic fibrosis, bronchitis and asthma.

2. Milk Thistle, Silymarin

Milk thistle is a powerful antioxidant and supportsrepparttar 115100 liver by preventingrepparttar 115101 depletion of glutathione. Silymarin isrepparttar 115102 active compound of milk thistle. It is a natural liver detoxifier and protectsrepparttar 115103 liver from many industrial toxins such as carbon tetrachloride, and more common agents like alcohol.

3. Alpha Lipoic Acid

Made naturally in body cells as a by-product of energy release, ALA increasesrepparttar 115104 levels of intra-cellular glutathione, and is a natural antioxidant with free radical scavenging abilities. It hasrepparttar 115105 ability to regenerate oxidized antioxidants like Vitamin C and E and helps to make them more potent. ALA is also known for its ability to enhance glucose uptake and may help preventrepparttar 115106 cellular damage accompanyingrepparttar 115107 complications of diabetes. It also has a protective effect inrepparttar 115108 brain.

4. Natural Foods That Boost Glutathione Levels

Asparagus is a leading source of glutathione. Foods like broccoli (2), avocado and spinach are also known to boost glutathione levels. Raw eggs, garlic and fresh unprocessed meats contain high levels of sulphur-containing amino acids and help to maintain optimal glutathione levels.


Written by Alfred Jones


For those of you that read my previous article about Glyconutrients,repparttar Essential Sugars for Good Health, you will perhaps have realised that I am very passionate about them andrepparttar 115090 benefits that they can and have, already given to so many people aroundrepparttar 115091 world. I am passionate about them, not just because we can sell a product and make money, but, because we can help so many people to improve their health, wellbeing and lifestyle, and this makes us feel good too.

I know that our Web Sites have not yet achieved any importance in Page Ranking, but we are new onrepparttar 115092 Internet Marketing side of business. I can assure you that we will improve with time,repparttar 115093 products that we are promoting have been around for eight years now, and improving allrepparttar 115094 time, there are thousands aroundrepparttar 115095 world, like myself, spreadingrepparttar 115096 word relating torepparttar 115097 benefits that can be obtained. I recently went to a launch of a new product inrepparttar 115098 range, onrepparttar 115099 Gold Coast in Australia, there were over a thousand Associates in attendance. The new product is a combination of Glyconutrients andrepparttar 115100 most powerful and potent Anti-oxidants available.

The body has an amazing cleaning system, which isrepparttar 115101 Immune System, for eliminating toxins that accumulate inrepparttar 115102 body. This system can become inefficient thereby allowing toxins to build up inrepparttar 115103 body, they can be stored inrepparttar 115104 fat and elsewhere, rather than being eliminated. This is when Glyconutrients and Anti-oxidants come torepparttar 115105 fore, by modulatingrepparttar 115106 Immune System. Whenrepparttar 115107 Immune System is over stimulated thenrepparttar 115108 cells can start attackingrepparttar 115109 good cells, which is not what we want, Whenrepparttar 115110 Immune System is low or inefficient, thenrepparttar 115111 bad cells are allowed to multiply, causing all types of illness, sorepparttar 115112 Immune System needsrepparttar 115113 correct nutrition to keep it balanced atrepparttar 115114 correct level. Readrepparttar 115115 recently published book by Doctor Steve Nugent "The Toxic Planet".

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