Focus: A weight loss strategy

Written by The Icon Diet Reader

By: The Icon Diet Reader

I just finished working my quads on a weight machine. My head races and my body hums all in an attempt to lose weight. Only moments ago, my legs worked so hard that they began to fail. They worked so hard that my muscle tissue cried out in pain and began to tear. Now having just finished, my body sweating withrepparttar effort, I can rest for a couple of minutes before doing it again.

Each day this week I will have targeted a different group of muscles. Each day I will work them, stretch them, and tear them. Each day, I will work so hard that my heart beats a new rhythm into my metabolism. Each day, my body will set to repairrepparttar 112910 damage I have done in such manner that it does not happen again. Each day doggedly break my body down and force it to improve itself. This is working out, this is getting fit, this is what it takes.

As I sit and stretch between sets, my quads still reeling, I scan aroundrepparttar 112911 gym. I take in those around me. At this hour, there are few people willing to braverepparttar 112912 cold mornings to makerepparttar 112913 run torepparttar 112914 gym. There are two people working with some free weights near by. They are within earshot and while I am resting I listen to them complain about, work, relationships, their bosses, clothes, their bodies and their friends. The conversation flows from one topic torepparttar 112915 next seamlessly and it is clear by their candor that they know each other well; that they have been friends and work out buddies for a while. What grabs my attention however, is notrepparttar 112916 meandering topics of their conversation, butrepparttar 112917 fact that conversation is occurring at all.

I ponder this until I start on my second set. As my second set starts, all I can focus on is exercise; flexing my muscles againstrepparttar 112918 weight. Duringrepparttar 112919 relatively short time it takes for me to run through my set and completely exhaust my quads, every action, every breath becomes an exercise in methodical control and economy. Every action I make is geared torepparttar 112920 exercise at hand.

When I finish and I reengage withrepparttar 112921 world, I come back torepparttar 112922 two people and their on-going conversation. As they chat, they work through a routine of exercises that look habitual and ritualized. When they work their muscles, they go throughrepparttar 112923 motions; intent more onrepparttar 112924 conversation and company then their bodies.

How to Get The Most From Your Home Workouts

Written by Rick DeToma

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A recent study found that home workouts may do even more good than workouts at a gym. This is good news for people who are time crunched and find it's too much trouble to make it to a health club.

So how do you getrepparttar 112910 most from your home workouts? Follow these suggestions:

1. Have A Plan. Know exactly what it is you want to accomplish and how you intend to get there. Plan outrepparttar 112911 exercises andrepparttar 112912 amount of reps and weight you will use. If time is a factor, make surerepparttar 112913 volume of your workout fitsrepparttar 112914 alloted time. If you can only squeeze in 10-15 minutes, then makerepparttar 112915 most of it. Use compound moves forrepparttar 112916 large muscle groups. Use an exercise log and refer back to it. It's a great way to track your progress.

2. Have What You Need. Make sure you have available any equipment you intend to use and that you know how to use it. If you have never used resistance tubes, then practice with them in advance so you get a sense ofrepparttar 112917 tension they provide. If you plan to use a stability ball, make sure you haverepparttar 112918 right size for your height. See a chart here.

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