Flies For Great Lakes Steelhead

Written by Cameron Larsen

As we stated in our article on Pacific Steelhead flies,repparttar steelhead fisheries ofrepparttar 133148 Great Lakes region has developed differently. First offrepparttar 133149 Erie steelhead has only been around a little over a hundred years. First planted inrepparttar 133150 1880’s,repparttar 133151 steelhead nearly died off inrepparttar 133152 1950’s due to pollution in Lake Erie. But sincerepparttar 133153 1980’s, intense stocking efforts by Ontario, New York, Ohio, and Pennsylvania have beenrepparttar 133154 reason for this area being nicknamed Steelhead Alley.

Erie steelheaders use a wide array flies in their pursuit of this most worthy game fish. One can classify them broadly inrepparttar 133155 same way trout angler’s classify flies. In generalrepparttar 133156 Erie steelheader carries a variety of streamers, egg patterns, and nymphs.

Steelhead feed heavily on schools of shad, smelt and other fish inrepparttar 133157 summer months. And when they first enterrepparttar 133158 river they have fish on their brains. Streamer patterns arerepparttar 133159 thing to start off with, when steelhead are first stacking up to make their run. Primary patterns used arerepparttar 133160 woolly bugger, Mickey Finn, Muddler Minnows and other streamer patterns. Dead drifted or swung they are deadly inrepparttar 133161 early months.

Sighting In - An Ethical Hunters Responsibility 

Written by David Selman, Tracker-Outdoors.com

It is absolutely necessary to sight in your deer rifle before you go hunting. You owe it torepparttar deer to make certain your rifle shoots where you point it. Even if you just bought a rifle andrepparttar 133147 store bore-sightedrepparttar 133148 gun with a collimator, you still need to shoot it and fine-tunerepparttar 133149 point of impact. Bore-sighting can be precise and can make a rifle shoot close enough to hit a paper target at 25 yards, but it's not meant to be a substitute for sighting inrepparttar 133150 rifle on a range. Twenty-five yards is where you should start shooting when you take a new rifle torepparttar 133151 range. You can get a friend to sight in your rifle for you, but I do not recommend doing so. You need to know how to make adjustments to your sights, no matter if you shoot a scope or open sights.

If your sights get knocked off while you're hunting, you'll have to resightrepparttar 133152 rifle yourself, and you need to know how it works. Besides,repparttar 133153 more you shoot your rifle at targets,repparttar 133154 more likely you are to make an accurate shot on a deer. Take your rifle to a range where you have a solid bench to shoot from. Use sand bags to create a solid rifle rest.

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