Flatwater kayaks

Written by Jakob Jelling

Flatwater kayaking is easier and better to learn than any other type of kayaking.

Flatwater kayaking isrepparttar type of kayaking that you should start with if you're new torepparttar 133044 activity. Flatwater kayaking can take place on almost any body of water so long as it is is an area that is sheltered formrepparttar 133045 wind and any major waves. This is alsorepparttar 133046 safest type of kayaking since it generally only takes place during calm conditions when there are no major obstacles to make kayaking difficult.

Tours are very popular for people who want to participate in flatwater kayaking. Generally, these tours either take place on a river or in a sheltered bay. If you're going on a flatwater kayaking tour, you'll likely get to see some beautiful areas, and you may even get to see wildlife inrepparttar 133047 area that you're kayaking in. If you're thinking about going on a flatwater kayaking tour,repparttar 133048 most important thing that you should consider is where you want to go - and make sure that you set aside enough time forrepparttar 133049 kayak tour!

Since flatwater kayaking isrepparttar 133050 easiest type of kayaking, this isrepparttar 133051 type of kayaking that you will learn first. Not only that, but you do not need very much experience kayaking in order to be able to flatwater kayak proficiently. If you're looking for an activity forrepparttar 133052 whole family that can be learned easily, flatwater kayaking on a lake or calm river is it.

Whitewater kayaks

Written by Jakob Jelling

Whitewater kayaking is an extreme form of kayaking.

Whitewater kayaking is kayaking taken to an extreme. This is basicallyrepparttar combination of whitewater rafting, except that you are in a kayak instead of a raft. This sport has been gaining popularity in recent years, and has even been included inrepparttar 133043 Summer Olympics of 2004.

Whitewater kayaking is definitely not forrepparttar 133044 faint of heart, as it generally involves some ofrepparttar 133045 roughest rivers around. People who go whitewater kayaking should have a lot of experience kayaking in rivers and rough water. They should also make sure that they know exactly what type of kayak they need to use.

The kayaks used for whitewater kayaking generally need to be sturdier than most other kayaks due torepparttar 133046 beating that they will probably get from being inrepparttar 133047 river. Two person kayaks are not used for whitewater kayaking because it's too dangerous to have more than one person inrepparttar 133048 kayak while going over whitewater. The single person kayaks themselves can vary between whether or not they're short or long - this generally depends on what aspects ofrepparttar 133049 kayakrepparttar 133050 person kayaking wants to emphasize.

There are several different types of whitewater kayaking as well. If you're just going to be whitewater kayaking for fun, then you're more than likely just going to be something called "river running." What this means is that you take your kayak and go down a whitewater river. These rivers are generally notrepparttar 133051 roughest, and there are sometimes some flat parts as well as rapids. River running can either be a day excursion, or it might be a week long adventure down a river. This is a great choice for somebody experienced in kayaking.

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