Fix Your Website Or Say Goodbye To Sales

Written by Jeffrey Benson

Your website tells a lot about you and your product so if your website is poorly design you are sure to loose your entire investment as you will be loosing sales byrepparttar minute. In this article I have outlined some ofrepparttar 134527 common problems common to website.

Inrepparttar 134528 age we are today, things change fast inrepparttar 134529 Internet and so if you are to keep up with your customers and to make maximise profits as a webmaster, you must be able to design and re-design your website to reflectrepparttar 134530 message you pass to your customers.

Sometimes waiting for your website designers take ages to effect this changes which you could have been able to do quietly from your home or office without having to pay lots of money to web designers and wait onrepparttar 134531 queue to get to your turn beforerepparttar 134532 change can be effect. These delays result in loss of sales most ofrepparttar 134533 time.

There is no way I will ever buy anything from a web site that has missing images or broken links. I mean, if this webmaster doesn't care about his web site, he probably could care less about his customers.

Getting your web site to look good can sometimes be a hair-pulling experience. Even for me, and I have been making web sites for over 5 years. I can only imagine how frustrated many newbies can get.

Let me share with you some ofrepparttar 134534 common problems in designing a well-functioning web site. If you haven't made these mistakes yet - trust me: you will! Keep this troubleshooting guide handy for when you need it (and save some of your hair, too!)


SOLUTION: There are three things that might cause this problem. You have either forgotten to uploadrepparttar 134535 image to your web server, didn't link to it correctly, orrepparttar 134536 graphic is in invalid format.

1) Remember, you need to upload allrepparttar 134537 graphics that you are using on your web page, just like any other file. So if you have a "services.html" page that contains "staff.jpg" graphic, you need to upload both "services.html" and "staff.jpg" to your web server.

2) You also need to reference that image correctly. For this, you need to understand a little bit about files, folders, and directories. Basically, a file is a document. A folder (or a directory) is a collection of files.

You might have a directory on your web site called "images". Inside it you might haverepparttar 134538 "staff.jpg", "logo.jpg", and other files. Now, here isrepparttar 134539 trick: if your HTML file is located inrepparttar 134540 same folder withrepparttar 134541 graphic it contains, then here is how you refer to that image:

So far, simple, right? But let's say that your HTML file is located inrepparttar 134542 main directory, whilerepparttar 134543 graphic file is located inrepparttar 134544 sub-directory. For example, "services.html" is located inrepparttar 134545 root directory of your web site so that if you type in your browser location bar, you will see it.

And let's say that you placed a graphic used on that page into a sub-directory called "images", so that when you type into your browser location bar, you will see that image. So how do you refer to that graphic from your "services.html" page? Here is how:

All I did was putrepparttar 134546 sub-directory (or folder) name followed by a forward slash beforerepparttar 134547 graphic name.

Finally, what if you put an HTML page into a sub- directory, but leaverepparttar 134548 image inrepparttar 134549 main (root) directory? For example, your "services.html" is located in a sub-directory called "pages". Andrepparttar 134550 graphic used on it, "staff.jpg", is placed inrepparttar 134551 main directory, so that when you type this address into your browser location bar, you will see it: How do you refer to this graphic on your "services.html" page? You userepparttar 134552 "previous directory" notation like this: The browser will then know, that in order to find that graphic it needs to look in one directory below. If you are having trouble understandingrepparttar 134553 above notation, use absolute image references. For example:

Make sure you know where you placed your graphic (which folder) and refer to it as if you were accessing it from your web browser. That's it!

3) And finally, if you are not using graphics withrepparttar 134554 "JPG" or "GIF" extension, they will not appear on your web page. Use PaintShop Pro or any other graphic editor to convert your graphic from any format to "JPG" or "GIF". Broken images may also happen even if they don't haverepparttar 134555 right extension. That's because they have been created in a not-for-web format. When a graphic artist designs your logo, remind her to save it as "RGB" (which stands for "red-green-blue") or "Indexed Color" and not any other color mode (such as "CMYK"). For more information, see "Choosingrepparttar 134556 right format for your images" at http:/ PROBLEM 2: IMAGE LOADS VERY SLOWLY

SOLUTION: You must do your best to reducerepparttar 134557 graphic to its minimum good-looking format. Use GIFBot to do this: Some new webmasters use a large graphic and specify a smaller size inrepparttar 134558 HTML code. That is absolutely unnecessary and will slow down your web page three times or more! For example, if you have a graphic that is 200x200 in size (pixels), and insert it into your web page like this: are actually doing yourself disservice. Why not reducerepparttar 134559 graphic in your image editor first, then place it on your web site? Doing this will speed up your site and will not distort your graphic. PROBLEM 3: IMAGE LOOKS DISTORTED SOLUTION: You probably specified incorrect size of this graphic on your web page. To find outrepparttar 134560 correct size of a graphic, right-click on it and choose "Properties" fromrepparttar 134561 menu. You should seerepparttar 134562 image size (something like 110 x 200) then putrepparttar 134563 same numbers inrepparttar 134564 IMG tag: PROBLEM 4: BROKEN LINK SOLUTION: You must fix your link so it takes your visitors to a page that exists. Links can be relative or absolute. Here is an example of a relative link (remember, I am omittingrepparttar 134565 tag brackets so you could seerepparttar 134566 actual code):

Increase Your Sales By 25% By Implementing One Small Change

Written by Bill Platt

How much would you be willing to pay to learn how to implement a guaranteed 25% increase in your online sales? Givenrepparttar current sales situation on your website, how much would that 25% increase in sales add to your bottom line? $250 per month? $500? $25,000?

The good news is that I am not going to charge you for this information. I am just going to give it to you.

Granted, it may require some work on your part to implement this little jewel, but you already spend untold hours searching for new business, right? While implementing this suggestion might require a few hours work on your part, it will continue to pay its dividends throughrepparttar 134526 long-term future.

If instead of building your own site, you employ a web designer to do your HTML work for you, this suggestion will cost you a few dollars to getrepparttar 134527 additional website work done.

Let me reiterate. This step will result in a 25% increase in your sales. As far as I am concerned, your web designer should do as you desire him/her to do, or he/she should be replaced with someone who will. If I am paying someone to do a certain type of work for me, then they should do it as I require it to be done.

As you begin to undertake this task, you may discover that you may need to find another web designer. Even when you are paying money for web design work, many of you will find your web designer fighting with you as to whether this step is important to your success or not.

Let's put this into perspective. Your web designer knows how to build websites. Knowing how to build websites does not necessarily lead to knowing how to market a website or how to sell products.

You will shortly understand why web designers fight this suggestion with assertions that it will not make a difference for your online sales. No matter how strongly they may argue their point of view, 25% is a big chunk of business to give up to let them have their way.

Nearly every web designer I have ever talked to uses software to buildrepparttar 134528 websites they build. If you are building your own website, you likely use software as well.

There are many packages these folks use including: FrontPage, Dream Weaver, Home Page or dozens of other variations of this software.

Whilerepparttar 134529 software may be efficient for building What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) web pages, quickly and easily, these software packages have many disadvantages as well.

One disadvantage is thatrepparttar 134530 software creates dirty HTML, which in effect isrepparttar 134531 act of placing too many HTML tags inrepparttar 134532 code. Often times, dirty HTML is best understood by looking atrepparttar 134533 code with an educated eye and seeing sets of HTML tags where they are unnecessary.

Though this is ugly for editing and can take additional seconds for your viewer to download, that is notrepparttar 134534 real source ofrepparttar 134535 problem we seek to repair. But, do remember this point as we move on. Dirty HTML is "ugly for editing."

It is now time for some Bill Gates' bashing.

Back in 1996, Bill Gates finally pulled his head out ofrepparttar 134536 sand and realizedrepparttar 134537 future forrepparttar 134538 software market was onrepparttar 134539 Internet. In a mad dash to catch up, Microsoft created Internet Explorer to compete with Netscape Navigator. Until this point, Netscape dominatedrepparttar 134540 Internet browser market.

As part of Microsoft's strategy for gaining market share, they soon began to offer their browser for free to compete with Netscape's $25.00 price tag. And secondly, but most dastardly, Microsoft began to create their own set of HTML codes. They wanted to be sure their browser could do things thatrepparttar 134541 other browsers could not, and they wanted to make sure that web pages would not be completely compatible amongrepparttar 134542 different browsers.

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