Five steps to success with Saltwater Coral Reef Aquariums

Written by Christopher Knowlton

Do you dream of watchingrepparttar natural beauty ofrepparttar 148605 undersea reef life while sitting in your living room?

Whether your goal is a nano reef tank or a 150 gallon aquarium with an ecosystem of coral and saltwater fish,repparttar 148606 following five steps will lead you on your way to success.

1) Commit! Decide you are going to spendrepparttar 148607 $$ it takes to make a proper go of it. At a minimum, most tanks, (from 10 gal to 55 gal) take between $250 and $500 to get going. Can you do it cheaper? Yes, but usually not your first one. You have to know what you are doing and understand how things can and will go wrong before you can choose less expensive husbandry options and/or equipment. Save up if you have to, but count on that first tank being expensive.

Realize that this is not a short term commitment. And as much fun as it is to collectrepparttar 148608 coolest coral fragments out there and show them off to your friends, there WILL come a time when you are hauling all of those same 'frags' out ofrepparttar 148609 tank and into temporary storage when your six year old cracksrepparttar 148610 side of repparttar 148611 display tank with a pool ball or some other calamity occurs.

2) Study! Spend time onrepparttar 148612 internet, in books and watching nature shows on reefs BEFORE you get your animals. Understand repparttar 148613 animals that you are going to keep and how they interact with each other. If you count onrepparttar 148614 LFS (Local Fish Store) or your buddy downrepparttar 148615 road to keep you out of trouble and don't do your homework.. You will fail. That isrepparttar 148616 one guarantee in this hobby. DO YOUR HOMEWORK.

Wilderness Survival Backpacking Tips

Written by Steve Gillman

Why should you learn wilderness survival skills just for backpacking? They may save your life someday, and for ultralight enthusiasts like myself, skills replace gear, and therefore weight. The best reason, however, may be that it's just a good feeling to know you can deal with whatever comes up. It makes you feel more at home.

To survive means to stay warm and dry, hydrated, uninjured, and to find your way out ofrepparttar survival situation. Eating is nice too, but not crucial ifrepparttar 148604 situation is for a few days. Below are some more or less random survival tips, just to get you interested.

Wilderness Survival Tips

1. Warmth: Sleep with your head slightly downhill to stay warmer. This may take some getting used to, but it works.

2. Food: In North America, there is no berry that looks like a blueberry, strawberry, or rasberry, that can hurt you from one taste. Just spit it out if it doesn't taste right. If it looks and tastes like a blueberry - it is.

3. Fire starter: If you put dried moss or milkweed fuzz in your pocket as you walk, you'll have dry tinder to start a fire, just in case it's raining later. Experiment with different materials.

4. Direction-finding: Markrepparttar 148605 tip ofrepparttar 148606 shadow of a stick, and mark it again fifteen minutes later. The line betweenrepparttar 148607 the first and second marks points east. A few techniques like this can save you when your compass is lost.

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