Five Ways to Promote Your Unique Business Identity

Written by Brett Krkosska

Where'srepparttar Beef?

These words became a national catch phrase inrepparttar 121245 mid 1980's and catapultedrepparttar 121246 Wendy's hamburger chain intorepparttar 121247 limelight as a major player in fast food sales.

Wendy's creditsrepparttar 121248 "Where'srepparttar 121249 Beef" ad campaign with a 31% jump in sales and a 24% boost in year-end profits.

Not bad for a campaign built on a three-word ad slogan.

Granted, you may not haverepparttar 121250 budget to build a brand awareness campaign as Wendy's did, but you certainly should practice advertising strategies that are built around your own unique business identity.

Identify Your Uniqueness

If you haven't yet put a finger onrepparttar 121251 distinct quality that sets your business apart from your competition, then you need to get busy. You only need one quality. Just one.

This unique quality that sets you apart fromrepparttar 121252 herd is your brand. It isrepparttar 121253 essence -repparttar 121254 fabric - that runs through your operation. It speaks to consumers instantly aboutrepparttar 121255 nature of your service or product, your reputation, your commitment, your uniqueness.

Once identified, you must be able to clearly communicate your brand to consumers. There are two easily recognizable ways to do this: with your logo and tagline.

A branded business has a memorable logo. A straight- forward example is Ford's blue oval, while a more abstract example isrepparttar 121256 Nike checkmark. Your logo isrepparttar 121257 visual component of your brand.

The next component is a written or verbal one. It is referred to as your tagline, and it reflectsrepparttar 121258 exact position you are assuming in relation to your customer, your product, and your competitors. Specifically, it clearly definesrepparttar 121259 quality which differentiates your business from competitors while extollingrepparttar 121260 benefit your customer will enjoy.

Coca Cola's statement of being 'The Real Thing' is a classic example of positioning in relation to a competitor. Clearly, if they'rerepparttar 121261 real thing -repparttar 121262 original - thenrepparttar 121263 other guy isn't. But does this mean anything to consumers? The benefit torepparttar 121264 customer is kind of murky.

Forrepparttar 121265 small business owner it's better to go with a more narrowly defined tagline that clearly denotes uniqueness. The sandwich shop Quizno's exemplifies this with their tagline 'Oven Toasted Tastes Better'.

Five Ways to Promote Your Unique Identity

Your logo and tagline are valuable property. Make them a visible thread that runs through all your promotions. Here are five great ways to get your brand name out there in front of consumers:

1. Give Away Something People Will Expose To Others

Instead of just giving away a freebie that has a one-time use, provide a valuable service or product that will get used or seen by other people. I use this strategy by providing free newsletter templates. Atrepparttar 121266 bottom ofrepparttar 121267 templates you'll find my brand. It's great exposure and a wonderful traffic-generating tool.

Attract More Buyers to your Product: Use Metaphors

Written by Judy Cullins

Surprise your potential buyers. Give them chocolate frosting!

After we entered school we had a lot to learn. We leftrepparttar sand box,repparttar 121244 nap, andrepparttar 121245 all day playing with our imagination. No wonder we have lost touch with our original, playful, creativity. We are inrepparttar 121246 information age, expecting to read short, concise pieces. Yet, we can, if we play a little, add more of our original ideas to our books if we use metaphor.

Metaphor means wedding a word to an image, sound or feeling. Metaphor is a fusing of dissimilar entities into one new image. Metaphor asserts a likeness between two unlike things. Images are word pictures that give language power and richness by involving our senses inrepparttar 121247 experience. When you wed an image or feeling to something totally unexpected, you produce a new pattern--a metaphor that creates a powerful picture.

The purpose of metaphor is to intensify your awareness ofrepparttar 121248 images around you. Clichés are worn out metaphors. Avoid platitudes because your reader will be bored with them and not read on. Write naturally and avoid pompous words like "utilize."

Metaphors create tension and excitement by producing new connections. Hence, they reveal a truth aboutrepparttar 121249 world we previously didn't recognize. The power of metaphor is to surprise us.... Marilyn Ferguson, author of The Aquarian Conspiracy, says, "Metaphor builds a bridge betweenrepparttar 121250 hemispheres, symbolically carrying knowledge fromrepparttar 121251 mute right brain so it can be recognized byrepparttar 121252 left as being like something already known."

When your potential customers glance (about 12 seconds) at your front cover and back cover, and see originality there through metaphor, they will gain insight that sheds new light on a familiar concept, idea, event or feeling. Your metaphors hook them and seduce them. Now, they will hand you their check or credit card feeling good about themselves forrepparttar 121253 decision.


1. Start a Metaphor List. Keep it filed where you can find it easily and add to it. Every time you hear a good one, write it down. Use other people's metaphors as a springboard for you own.

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