Five Tips To Increase Your Sales

Written by Ed Hammen

1. You could end your ad copy with a discounted price. Just list your regular price and then offer a discounted price offrepparttar order ‘right now’. You could also offer a rebate that takes effect instantly. For example, you could say, "Instead of paying $99, you could order now and get an instant rebate of $20 - you only pay $79!"

2. You could end your ad copy with a free sample or trial of your product. If your ad didn't attract them to buy, maybe a free sample or trial would. If you were selling an e-book, you could give them a free sample atrepparttar 116432 end of your ad copy. For example, you could say, "If you're still not sure about ordering, download a FREE sample chapter!"

3. Use a "P.S." atrepparttar 116433 end of your ad copy. This is where you either want to repeat a strong benefit or use a strong close, like a free bonus. For example, "P.S. You can get (product), worth over ($), forrepparttar 116434 low price of ($)!" Another example, "P.S. I can not guaranteerepparttar 116435 (No.) bonuses will be here tomorrow!"

5 Tips for Journaling Your Home Based Business Plan

Written by Barbara Carr Phillips

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5 Tips for Journaling Your Home Based Business by Barbara Carr Phillips

Journaling is an effective way to reach your goal of starting your own home-based business. Whether you want to be a freelance writer, a silk florist, an academic tutor – whatever your dream is, journaling your home based business plan is a way to realize it.

Start with a small notebook dedicated to your business plan. Take it with you everywhere. Following are five journaling tips to home-based business success:

Tip #1: Write About Your Big Idea. The first step to saverepparttar 116434 business venture you have splashing around your head is to throw it a life preserver. What type of business do you want to start? Write your big idea in permanent ink. Write aboutrepparttar 116435 advantages to this type of business, as well asrepparttar 116436 disadvantages. Write aboutrepparttar 116437 characteristics you possess that make yourepparttar 116438 perfect person to operate this type of business, andrepparttar 116439 characteristics you need to strengthen. For example, if you want to lead summer reading workshops for children, ages 8 through 10, but you don't remember what it is like to be an 8-year-old, volunteer to teachrepparttar 116440 8-year-olds' class at church. If you anticipaterepparttar 116441 downside of your business along with your weaknesses, you will be prepared to overcome them when they arise.

Tip #2: Research. And Again I Say, Research. Go torepparttar 116442 library or bookstore and get two or three books about your business. Read a general book about launching home-based businesses as well. As you are reading, take notes in your journal. Interview a few people by phone or e-mail who are operating a similar business. Before you contact them, writerepparttar 116443 interview questions in your journal. Also record their responses. When I started an academic tutoring business, I called three area tutors and asked them about their qualifications, fees and tutoring methods. This helped me decide how my qualifications compared and how I could better qualify myself. It also helped me to set a competitive fee, and plan activities for my students. Tip #3: Get Your Finances In Order. You will not focus on building your own business if you are worried about your utilities being disconnected. Sit down with your journal and list how you will get your finances in order. Do you have small bills you can pay off quickly? Are your income and expenses balanced? Draw your financial picture in black and white. Ideally, you need six months of living expenses inrepparttar 116444 bank before your quit your day job. If you don't have that, hold a garage sale or sell items collecting dust in your attic inrepparttar 116445 classified ads. Instead of working full-time, work part-time so you have a steady paycheck plus extra time to devote to building your business. List your financial goals in your journal and check them off as you achieve them. Write specifics about how your business will generaterepparttar 116446 income to support yourself financially. For example, a freelance writer can diversify and tap into several income streams. The writer can write how-to articles for magazines, write a book, teach workshops, speak at events, write resumes and prepare content for newsletters.

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