Five Stumbling Blocks To Successful Networking And How To Overcome Them

Written by Lydia Ramsey

The ability to connect with people is essential to success in any business. Professional networking events present opportunities to interact with others on a personal level and to develop profitable relationships. These occasions are critical for anyone who wants to grow a business or promote a career.

Many people are simply not comfortable walking into a room full of strangers and striking up conversations. Here are five common stumbling blocks that you may face and tips to help you overcome them.

A RELUCTANCE TO TALK TO STRANGERS. You were taught at an early age not to speak to people you don't know. It's not safe. In certain situations today this is still good advice. In business, however, talking to strangers is a way to generate interest and support for your products and services. If you only talk torepparttar people you already know, you will miss out on opportunities to make new connections and establish valuable contacts.

To get past your discomfort in talking to strangers, set a goal for yourself before you attend any networking event. Decide how many new contacts you want to make or how many strangers you want to meet. In some cases, you may specifically target individuals whom you'd like to know.

Next come up with some icebreakers or conversation starters. Have questions prepared that you can ask anyone you meet atrepparttar 103249 event. You may want to inquire about other people's business, their connection torepparttar 103250 sponsoring organization or their opinion ofrepparttar 103251 venue.

LACK OF A FORMAL INTRODUCTION. It's much easier to make a new contact when there is someone else to handlerepparttar 103252 introduction and paverepparttar 103253 way. If you wait for another person to makerepparttar 103254 move you may not meet anyone. At networking events,repparttar 103255 goal is to meet as many people as possible.

This isrepparttar 103256 time to takerepparttar 103257 bull byrepparttar 103258 horns, walk up to people you don't know, introduce yourself and start a conversation. You can do this if you have prepared your self-introduction in advance.

You will not introduce yourselfrepparttar 103259 same way on every occasion. Perhaps it is your first time to attend an association meeting. In that case, you might want to say that as part of your introduction. Let people know who you are, why you are there and give them a reason to ask more abut you.

Building Good Business Credit After Bad Credit

Written by Gerri Detweiler

Can you establish good business credit if you have bad personal credit? The answer is yes...but with a few caveats.

Business credit reports and personal credit reports are generally completely separate databases for legal reasons. However, there are some exceptions in terms of how independent that information may be:

-- If you are operating as a sole proprietor or Limited Liability Company, it is difficult to separate your personal and business credit. A corporation is a much better structure to build a completely independent business credit report.

-- Experian sells a credit score that is a combination ofrepparttar business owner's personal credit history andrepparttar 103248 businesses' credit history.

Inrepparttar 103249 early years of a business,repparttar 103250 owner will almost certainly be required to personally guarantee loans. However, as you establish a strong business credit rating for your enterprise, you'll have more leverage to negotiate for a loan without your personal guarantee.

A warning: some people try to use business credit file to repeat bad credit habits.


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