Five Steps to Vocational Passion: A Disciplined Plan for Major Mid-life Changes

Written by Craig Nathanson

There’s a famous song lyric that asks: “Is that all there is?” Every seven seconds, an American turns 50 years old. So there’s a good chance that song is running through some of their heads. The question capturesrepparttar ennui that many people feel in mid-life. They look up atrepparttar 107113 clock, see it ticking, and begin counting in their heads allrepparttar 107114 mountains not climbed,repparttar 107115 poems not written, andrepparttar 107116 songs not sung. It’s time to stop askingrepparttar 107117 question idly. I’m offering five initial steps that you can take to evaluate your situation and to beginrepparttar 107118 transition away from a meaningless grind toward a new life that provides you with energy and fulfillment. Vocational passion is an alignment of your abilities and interests in a role that gives you unlimited energy and happiness. This is not an overnight process. But it’s a process you can begin today. Step One: Evaluate Lots of people settle for jobs that payrepparttar 107119 bills but leave them feeling empty. If you want to break out of this trap and find another kind of life, you need to evaluate where you’d like to go. Examine where your passions lie. On a scale of 1-10, where are you when it comes to vocational passion? A “1” is a living drudgery where you force yourself to your desk every morning and dream aboutrepparttar 107120 end ofrepparttar 107121 day; a “10” is a perfect alignment between interests and livelihood. Too many of us are closer to “1” than “10”. Anything lower than a “5” suggests your working life may be feeding your family, but atrepparttar 107122 expense of starving your soul. Step Two: Envision Your Future You may have seenrepparttar 107123 U.S. Navy ad that asks: “If someone wrote a book about your life, would anyone want to read it?” Here’s your chance to write that book – or at leastrepparttar 107124 outline. Sit down and write a short biography that describes who you are five years from now. Describe exactlyrepparttar 107125 life you wish to lead, doing work that you love. You will know you’re done withrepparttar 107126 exercise when your heart races with excitement. Then imagine and write down your vision of a perfect vocational day. It’s difficult to achieve something that you have not clearly envisioned. Make sure your vision has clarity. Then document it and pull it out regularly, to refresh your desire to achieve that vision. Step Three: Tune Out Negative Feedback Understand this: The moment you announce plans to make a radical change in your life, many people will findrepparttar 107127 move threatening and they will not wish you well. They will try to talk you out of it and tell you what a big mistake you’re about to make. Never letrepparttar 107128 naysayers dictate your life. People who listen to negative voices end up withrepparttar 107129 status quo. Step Four: Shore Up Your Support Network

Four Steps a Recruiter Takes to Trash CVs and Resumes

Written by Dr. Amjad Rafiq

Having 200-300 CVs or resumes to analyse, a tight schedule, and probably working late, an employer's or recruiting manager's approach is to scanrepparttar huge pile quickly and look for any little reason to trash your CV or resume. Learn how to avoid your CV or resume being trashed and how to almost guarantee that it gets noticed and shortlisted.

The scenario described above of a recruiting manager or employer is fairly typical. With hundreds of CVs or resumes, little time, andrepparttar 107112 pressure of identifyingrepparttar 107113 best person forrepparttar 107114 job,repparttar 107115 strategy a recruiter takes is to first eliminate all those who show any little sign of being worthy of elimination. Andrepparttar 107116 basis of that is your CV and resume, highlightingrepparttar 107117 great importance attached to this one or two page document.

So what happens whenrepparttar 107118 pile of 300 CVs and resumes are put in front ofrepparttar 107119 recruitment manager? Well there are three main steps, which are taken to filterrepparttar 107120 pile. Filtering is needed to choose appropriate candidates forrepparttar 107121 interview stage. So those not worthy of being interviewed have their CVs or resumes trashed. Let’s take a look at them one by one.

The first stage: The 5-10 second glance

The recruitment manager is not going to spend minutes going through each CV or resume to find what he is looking for. Rather, his first step is to spend atrepparttar 107122 most 10 seconds to take a quick glance at mainlyrepparttar 107123 first page andrepparttar 107124 following page(s) ifrepparttar 107125 first page interests him. Sorepparttar 107126 process of elimination begins withrepparttar 107127 following:

* Any CV or resume which is longer than 4 pages will be trashed. This is generallyrepparttar 107128 case, unlessrepparttar 107129 employer requires a detailed career history. But most CVs are no longer than three pages, and as for resumes they should be shorter. Sorepparttar 107130 recruitment manager will not be bothered reading anything over 4 pages.

* Any CV or resume that does not have a profile, or objective or similar paragraph and an easy discernible list of skills onrepparttar 107131 front page will get trashed. The recruitment manager does not want to start scanning your CV or resume to see if he can find where your skills and achievements are, or what you are qualified to do. You are supposed to present that torepparttar 107132 recruitment manager using your career marketing tool,repparttar 107133 CV or resume.

* Any CV or resume which is written in long sentences and lengthy paragraphs and where a quick glance does not allowrepparttar 107134 identification of relevant information, such as skills and achievements will get trashed. The recruitment manager is not there to read essays or novels.

* Any CV or resume which is annoying. This is mainly due to bad formatting. Things such as using many different fonts and font sizes, clutteringrepparttar 107135 information with little white space, making it harder to read. Alsorepparttar 107136 use of excessive underlining, bold and italics, in combination. All of these matters makerepparttar 107137 CV or resume difficult to read and follow and annoysrepparttar 107138 recruitment manager.

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