Five Secrets of Winning Book Proposals

Written by Melissa A. Rosati

Five Secrets of Winning Book Proposals

Working inrepparttar publishing industry comes with a high expectation, especially from complete strangers. Afterrepparttar 105770 causal ‘hello’ progresses to ‘what do you do,’ and my answer is ‘I am a publisher,’repparttar 105771 words, like fairy dust, work magic; and inrepparttar 105772 eyes of my conversation partner, I’m transformed into a glamorous Advice Goddess—would I mind reading this stranger’s book proposal?

Cornered in frozen foods atrepparttar 105773 grocery, black-tie events or atrepparttar 105774 bus stop, I’ve been ‘pitched’ as we say inrepparttar 105775 business, with such book proposals as: A Cat’s Tale of Christmas; Old Testament Aphrodisiacs; Break Out (after being committed to a mental institution by jealous relatives,repparttar 105776 story of one man’s quest for revenge); and Suck it and See: A Guide to Tropical Fruits.

Admittedly, I chose to share with yourepparttar 105777 more colorful examples. My point being thatrepparttar 105778 purpose of a proposal pitch is not to motivaterepparttar 105779 publisher to loverepparttar 105780 idea as much as you do. That’srepparttar 105781 misconception. The publisher is listening for signals that you understandrepparttar 105782 process of transforming a book concept into a business plan. It’s not just about your passion forrepparttar 105783 topic: it’s how well you filter your passion throughrepparttar 105784 publisher’s prism of marketing and distribution. That’srepparttar 105785 difference between a contract and a polite rejection letter.

Let’s take a look at five typical questions that an agent or a publisher will ask in their submission guidelines.

Question #1: Please providerepparttar 105786 title that best captures and conveysrepparttar 105787 essence of your book and briefly explain why you chose it.

Whatrepparttar 105788 publisher is really thinking:

Willrepparttar 105789 book buyer for Barnes & Noble recognizerepparttar 105790 section to shelverepparttar 105791 book by its title alone? Isrepparttar 105792 title’s message succinct and snappy sorepparttar 105793 publisher’s sales representative will remember it easily? How doesrepparttar 105794 rest of proposal support whatrepparttar 105795 title says?

Question #2: Briefly describerepparttar 105796 primary audience for your book and how they will benefit from reading it.

Battle of the Titans - Encarta vs. the Britannica

Written by Sam Vaknin

The Encarta Encyclopedia - and even more so,repparttar Encarta Reference Library Premium 2005 - is an impressive reference library. It caters effectively (and, at $70, cheaply) torepparttar 105769 educational needs of everyone inrepparttar 105770 family, from children as young as 7 or 8 years old to adults who seek concise answers to their queries. It is fun-filled, interactive, colorful, replete with tens of thousands of images, video clips, and audio snippets.

The Encarta is extremely user-friendly, with its search bar and novel Visual Browser. It comes equipped with a dictionary, thesaurus, chart maker, searchable index of quotations, games, and an Encarta Kids interface. Installation is easy. The Encarta is augmented by weekly or bi-weekly updates andrepparttar 105771 feature-rich online MSN Encarta Premium with its Homework Help offerings.

The Encyclopedia Britannica (established in 1768) sports Student and Elementary versions of its venerable flagship product - but it is far better geared to tacklerepparttar 105772 information needs of adults and, even more so, professionals. Its 100,000 articles are long and deep, supported by impressive bibliographies, and written byrepparttar 105773 best scholars in their respective fields.

The Britannica, too, come bundled with an atlas (less detailed thanrepparttar 105774 Encarta's), dictionary, thesaurus, classic articles from previous editions, an Interactive Timeline, a Research Organizer, and a Knowledge Navigator (a Brain Stormer). It is as user-friendly asrepparttar 105775 Encarta. The Britannica, though, is updated only 2-4 times a year, a serious drawback, only partially compensated for by 3 months of free access torepparttar 105776 its unequalled powerhouse online Web site.

It seems thatrepparttar 105777 Britannica andrepparttar 105778 Encarta cater to different market segments and thatrepparttar 105779 Britannica provides more in-depth coverage of its topics whilerepparttar 105780 Encarta is a more complete, PC-orientated reference experience. The market positioning ofrepparttar 105781 Britannica's Elementary and Student Encyclopedias is, therefore, problematic. Encarta has an all-pervasive hold on and ubiquitous penetration ofrepparttar 105782 child-to-young adult markets.

Both encyclopedias offer an embarrassment of riches. Users of both findrepparttar 105783 wealth and breadth of information daunting and data mining is fast becoming an art form. Encarta introducedrepparttar 105784 Visual (Virtual) Browser and Britannica incorporatedrepparttar 105785 Brain Stormer to cope with this predicament. But few know how to deploy them effectively.

Encarta actively encourages fun-filled browsing and Britannica fully supports serious research. These preferences are reflected inrepparttar 105786 design ofrepparttar 105787 two products. The Encarta is a riot of colors, sidebars, videos, audio clips, photos, embedded links, literature, Web resources, and quizzes. It is a product ofrepparttar 105788 age of mass communication, a desktop extension of television andrepparttar 105789 Internet.

The Britannica is a sober assemblage of first-rate texts, up to date bibliographies, and minimal multimedia. It is a desktop university library: thorough, well-researched, comprehensive, trustworthy.

Indeed,repparttar 105790 Encarta andrepparttar 105791 Britannica offer competing models for interacting withrepparttar 105792 Internet. Both provide content updates -repparttar 105793 Encarta weekly or bi-weekly andrepparttar 105794 Britannica 2-4 times a year. Both offer additional and timely content and revisions on dedicated Web sites. Butrepparttar 105795 Encarta conditions some of its functions - notably its research tools and updates - on registration with its Plus Club. The Britannica doesn't.

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