Five Essential Hiring Practices

Written by Jan B. King

The Five Essential Hiring Practices

Recruiting and hiring are often done in haste, leavingrepparttar company to repent inrepparttar 104152 long run. Today, there’s a reason to be concerned about negligent hiring. Negligent hiring means you and your company can be sued if one of your hires injures other employees, especially if you could have foreseen a problem but did not do a thorough check ofrepparttar 104153 new employee before hiring.

The following list of five essential hiring practices establishesrepparttar 104154 minimum you should follow:

1. Require outside testing. Allow a competent, impartial professional interviewer to administer both paper and pencil and verbal tests. Professional testing firms can administer valid psychological tests for intelligence, stability, even determinations of addictive or dishonest personalities, as well as skills tests of important technical abilities in your workforce. I find testing often validates a suspicion I already had but wasn’t yet ready to come to terms with.

2. Conduct a rigorous personal interview. This includes asking general attitude questions, how you would manage your boss questions, how you would manage your staff questions, questions relating torepparttar 104155 applicant’s understanding ofrepparttar 104156 financial workings of a business and your department’s role inrepparttar 104157 business’s overall success, questions relating torepparttar 104158 applicant’s ability to set goals and his or her expectations about achieving goals, questions relating to specific skills required forrepparttar 104159 job, and general communications required by repparttar 104160 job.

10 Critical Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Consultant

Written by Jan B. King

The 10 Critical Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Consultant

Talk to as many consultants as you can before hiring one. Even if you have one person or firm in mind, interview at least a few others as a sort of due diligence. You'll probably find that each interview helps you focus onrepparttar issues you're hiring a consult to help resolve.

1. Most consultants focus on two areas: cutting costs and raising revenues. What do you see asrepparttar 104151 relationship betweenrepparttar 104152 two functions? Which do you do better?

Cost cutting isrepparttar 104153 consultant's usual expertise. It's what most companies need. Most of these hired outside consultants to take an objective look at organizational charts, value-adding processes and competitive environments. "We spend a lot of time talking to a company's customers, so we understand what they like and don't like," one consultant says. "What doesrepparttar 104154 customer value? Is it time? Is it quality? We define that." What this means is that a company can cut jobs and still not touch on one non-value-added activity or add value torepparttar 104155 customer.

2. What was your professional experience before you became a consultant?

Ultimately, you should want any consultant you use to have a strong bottom-line sensibility. You want this person-or team-to focus onrepparttar 104156 things that will addrepparttar 104157 greatest amount of value to your company inrepparttar 104158 shortest amount of time. This kind of thinking doesn't come naturally to many people. It usually demands two kinds of experience: as a chief executive officer or as a corporate turnaround specialist. A consultant who has this kind of experience has dealt with strict cost controls, high-pressure scrutiny and repparttar 104159 need for quick results. These arerepparttar 104160 same traits you should look for in anyone giving you expert advice.

3. How many professionals work with you or at your firm?

Business consultants fall essentially into two categories: Solo-practitioners and team players. The differences between repparttar 104161 two usually involverepparttar 104162 type of work they take. Most of repparttar 104163 time,repparttar 104164 soloists deal with less-specific, strategic or vision-related issues;repparttar 104165 teams get into more tightly focused number crunching. Less-specific functions tend to take less time (sometimes as little as one day);repparttar 104166 more specific take more. One of these functions isn't better or worse thanrepparttar 104167 other. The trap to beware: The marketing soloist who claims he or she can also review all of your accounting.

4. Will you sign a letter of confidentiality? Will you refrain from working for our competitors?

Ask all consultants to sign a letter of confidentiality. Some owners and managers assume that short-term strategic consultants pose less of a threat to proprietary interests thanrepparttar 104168 number crunchers. Don't make that assumption. You and your staff should feel free to discuss any business subject with your consultant and trust his or her discretion. If you feel uncomfortable, you won't discuss things candidly. Your risk in these cases isn't usually that repparttar 104169 consultant will knowingly steal proprietary in formation or material. Most are professional enough-and work in small enough markets-that reputations matter. More often,repparttar 104170 risk involves a consultant unwittingly mentioning something. If he or she has signed a confidentiality letter, he or she will be more likely to think twice.

5. Who are some of your other clients? Who are some people and companies with whom you've worked before? Can I call them to ask about your work?

Don't be wowed by big-shot former clients. At big companies, consultants are hired in teams to tackle extremely specific projects. Just becauserepparttar 104171 person inrepparttar 104172 expensive suit claims Microsoft as a former client doesn't mean he knows Bill Gates on a first-name basis. In fact, it's better ifrepparttar 104173 consultant has worked with companies closer to your size and shape. They'll more likely understand your needs.

6. With how many clients do you work at one time? Do you have enough time to devote to our company to accomplish our goals? Will you return phone calls or emailsrepparttar 104174 same day?

Asking other or former clients aboutrepparttar 104175 consultant's responsiveness and attentiveness can be helpful. As can more pointed questions ofrepparttar 104176 consultant. These questions all focus onrepparttar 104177 same point: How much attention canrepparttar 104178 consultant afford to spend on your needs? The number of clients a consultant can serve well varies withrepparttar 104179 kind of service provided and client involved. But some general rules apply: You want to have same-day response to questions or problems. If you're undertaking a major restructuring, you probably don't want your consultant working with more than two or three other clients. A caveat: Some owners and managers who've had bad experiences with overly invasive (and expensive) consultants warn that you shouldn't berepparttar 104180 only client a consultant has.

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