What if a trusted friend were to tell you about an investment where you could not possibly go wrong...what would be your reaction? And what if there was a vertitable mountain of credible information that supported investment claims...wouldn't you be inclined to take advantage of opportunity and not miss out on rewards? Although answer to these questions seems apparent, when it comes to investing in our health and quality of life we often choose to ignore what obviously works. Take for example, exercise... Physical fitness may be ultimate investment opportunity. Think of it this way. If you are willing to make commitment (investment), you will feel and look healthier, have an abundance of energy, be more self-confident, more productive and discover a more joyous and fulfilling life. These are rewards that money cannot buy and basis of high quality living. And investment in exercise becomes even more attractive when you consider that there is absolutely no down-side risk. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose. How much better can it get? How many times can you remember ever having a better offer? Probably never, and yet many of us fail to act on this extraordinary opportunity. We simply choose to procrastinate or ignore proven benefits of exercise!
Here are a few reasons that sometimes inhibit our willingness to "step out" and make a change or take a chance:
- Sometimes our vision gets clouded. We lose track of what is really important. Try to remember what you are trying to accomplish. Sometimes we get so caught up in detail that we forget where we're going.
- If we look at "big" picture, it can seem overwhelming. And bigger task, more overwhelming it can seem. Break task apart into smaller pieces. Want to lose 50 pounds? Go for 10 pounds, five at a time! Need to start an exercise program? Begin with short, simple exercises and slowly expand your routine. The absolute worse approach to exercise is to overdo it when first starting program. We seem to have this all or none mindset where we end up killing ourselves first few times out. We end up stiff, tired, disillusioned, and then we quit. Moderation is key.
- Have you ever not wanted to start something for fear of failure? Take first step and acknowledge fear, then next step will come easier. Fear of unknown scares us so much we don't want to even begin. Once fears are acknowledged, they usually quiet down. Taking first step allows us to go past fear and on to next step.
- Sometimes we start to think that a task is unpleasant or boring. Just like any other activity, this can also be true for exercise. There are days when we just plain lack enthusiasm and motivation to continue. It's part of human nature. On days like these focus on 'why' you are doing it. Think about all people you care about and who may need and rely on you. What would happen if you became ill or disabled and were unable to work for a period of time, or worse, if you were out of picture completely. How would things change? If something happened tomorrow, how would your family or business manage without you? What do you want your life to be like in future? There are many tasks or chores we do, that we may not like, but are necessary to live a happy and productive life. Focus on bigger picture.