Fitness Resolutions

Written by Aimee Deak

The holidays are now officially over and it’s time to get back on track! January 1st isrepparttar day we all get to start over. A time to makerepparttar 131306 changes in our lives that we’ve wanted to make but got sidetracked alongrepparttar 131307 way. So, you've had your fill of tempting treats. The holidays are always exciting and indulgent. Now that they're over, hopefully you'll never want to look at another piece of pumpkin pie or vat of mashed potatoes. Starting a healthy eating program will be a pleasure instead of a chore.

Maybe emotionally, you're ready for a change. For most Americans, New Year's is a time of new beginning and emotional rebirth. You may feelrepparttar 131308 desire to alter your way of life or spend more time focusing on yourself. There's no better time to improve your health.

Also, there's plenty of time to prepare forrepparttar 131309 next holiday season. You've got a whole year to adapt to a healthy lifestyle. The next timerepparttar 131310 holidays hit, you'll be better prepared to enjoy yourself without overindulging.

Approximately 90 percent of Americans make at least one New Year's resolution each year. Unfortunately, no matter how well intentioned they are, most people fail to keep their resolutions.

Here are a few ways you can ensure your success:

1. SET OBTAINABLE GOALS. It's reasonable to lose 10 percent of your starting weight within 3 months. The goal ofrepparttar 131311 EVERY BODY LOSES plan is to help you learn how to make healthy eating choices that you can carry with you for life. Rather than focusing on losing as much weight as you can as quickly as you can, realize that, if you followrepparttar 131312 plan correctly, this could berepparttar 131313 last program you’ll ever need.


Written by Aimee Deak

Your health is affected not only by how much body fat you have, but also by where most ofrepparttar fat is located on your body. Waist to hip ratio (WHR) analyzesrepparttar 131305 relationship between your waist and hip measurements to help you understand your body-type and current health status. Most people store their body fat in two distinct ways, often called "apple" and "pear" shapes.

These terms refer to where you carry excess body fat – around your middle (apple) or around your hips and buttocks (pear). Carrying excess body fat around your middle increases health risks significantly more than carrying fat around your hips, thighs and other areas of your body.

To determine if you have a healthy WHR, first use a measuring tape to obtainrepparttar 131306 circumference of your waist, just above your belly button. Then measurerepparttar 131307 circumference of your hips atrepparttar 131308 widest part of your buttocks.

To determine your WHR, simply divide your waist circumference from your hip circumference, in either inches or centimeters. If you are male and have a WHR greater than 1.0 – or a female with a WHR greater than 0.85 – you are considered to have an "apple shape", meaning that you have more body fat located in your abdominal area. If your WHR is less than 1.0 (male) or 0.85 (female), you either have a healthy body fat percentage or considered to have a "pear shape", which means that you tend to have more body fat located in peripheral areas of your body, like your hips and/or buttocks. Apple-shaped (rather than pear-shaped) body-types are at increased risk forrepparttar 131309 health problems associated with obesity, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, and stroke.

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