First Trout

Written by Marshall Estes

The Magic of My First Trout

I grew up in Iowa fishing for catfish, bass, crappie and bullheads using some of repparttar worst smelling baits you could imagine. But my father loved to hunt and fish so I went along. On one summer vacation to Oklahoma, Dad stopped atrepparttar 133089 fish hatchery in Bennett Springs, MO.

I can still remember standing onrepparttar 133090 bridge watching a fly fisherman gracefully cast a dry fly upstream torepparttar 133091 base ofrepparttar 133092 little dam feeding a pool byrepparttar 133093 hatchery. On repparttar 133094 third cast, he hooked up with a nice fat 12 to 14 inch rainbow that leapt out repparttar 133095 water 3 or 4 times trying to throwrepparttar 133096 hook.

The fisherman prevailed and slippedrepparttar 133097 rainbow into his classic wicker creel with repparttar 133098 slot inrepparttar 133099 lid. (Back in those days we ate a fish once in a while) Turning to my father, I asked whatrepparttar 133100 fisherman was using for bait. Dad said, "He is using an artificial fly and not bait." "Does it stink?", I asked. Dad laughed and said "No." Right then I knew one day I would become a fly fisherman. I was about 14 atrepparttar 133101 time. I never touched stinky bait after that.

I would not take up fly fishing until 1969 some 15 years after first seeing it inrepparttar 133102 Ozarks of Missouri. I had moved to Colorado to learn to ski and fly fish. Never did learn to ski but I did learn to fly fish.

When I was starting out, there weren't a lot of classes, guides or instructors to teach fly fishing. I purchased a cheap rod, reel, line and some flies from a local sporting goods store. Then I read a lot of books and practiced casting until I could do a reasonable overhand cast.

My first fish was a 2 lb. brookie caught on a brassie out ofrepparttar 133103 famed South Platte river. That was my only fish on a fly rod for that whole season. Forrepparttar 133104 next two seasons, I caught exactly one fish a season on a fly rod. I had upgraded my equipment sorepparttar 133105 casting was a lot more enjoyable.

In 1972, I was back to drifting salmon eggs onrepparttar 133106 bottom with light spinning gear and was catching fish. But releasing them was killing a lot of them I knew. As destiny would have it. A friend and I ended up on Bear Creek at O'Fallon Park one Saturday. Jerry parkedrepparttar 133107 car and said, "Hey, there's Frank Aubon. Frank is one ofrepparttar 133108 best fly fishermen I know. He can teach you how to catch fish on a fly rod." (Frank was from Maine and had been fly fishing some 40 years when I first met him.)

Golf Swing Mechanics Can Be Improved Very Quickly

Written by Mike Pedersen

If you’re like most golfers, you’re always trying to duplicate that “perfect” golf swing. I know I am. Doesn’t it feel great to hit that effortless shot? Don’t you wish you could do it every time? That would be a similar feeling of whatrepparttar pro’s have most ofrepparttar 133088 time. It would be such a high!

So what’s keeping you from this goal? Do you think you just need to hit more balls? Or, are you already hitting hundreds every week? If that’s not working, do you need more golf lessons? Or, have you taken lessons but not seen improvement?

If it’s none ofrepparttar 133089 above, then what?

I can tell you almost 100% for sure…it’s your BODY!

Your body dictates your golf swing. How many times have you felt like you can’t make a FULL turn or backswing? Do you thinkrepparttar 133090 solution is hitting more balls or taking more golf lessons?

It’s not! It’s improving your golf-specific flexibility and even strength.

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