"I do not measure success by quantity of what is in my checkbook, but by quality of what is in my heart... but quantity is a close second." Jo McNamaraI looked up word "successful" in my thesaurus and some of words listed were: happy, lucky, fortunate, unbeaten, undefeated, blossoming. If that is definition of "successful", then I am truly "successful beyond measure."
I started dabbling in Internet marketing in October 2000. It didn't take long for me to become a victim of "become-a-millionaire- overnight" mentality that's so prevalent on Web. I found a marketing system that was supposed to be so easy to sell that even beginners could start making money VERY FIRST DAY! I spent most of my time advertising rather than learning HOW to advertise.
By January 2001, I considered Net marketing a hobby. I wasn't making any money and $20 checks weren't filling my mailbox, but playing Net marketing game was something amusing to do when I had some spare time.
In June, I found a program I was so impressed with, I became a member and an affiliate and started promoting it exclusively.
While I was promoting this program about Internet marketing, I was also learning from it. It wasn't long before I threw away "get-rich-quick" mindset. I began to realize that this is a profession and like any profession, I would have to take it seriously and learn my craft. (Never mind that last time I studied anything seriously, Nixon was president.)
Then it happened. My dabbling that had become a hobby was now a PASSION and my life hasn't been same since!
"All, everything that I understand, I understand only because I love." Tolstoy
* "Not Quite Ready To Become a Member of Mensa, But..." Mentally I feel more alert and creative. Every day is a day of learning something new and of being continuously challenged. There's a clarity in my thinking I didn't have before. I actually feel like I've replaced some brain cells I destroyed in '70s.
* "Move Over Energizer Bunny. She Just Keeps Going And Going and Going" Physically I have more energy. I can't wait to get up each day. I'm not waiting for something to happen; I'm making it happen. I believe that is difference between living or merely existing.
* "It Has Been Said, "Everyone gets in a rut...a perfectionist moves in" Thinking outside of box has never been one of my strengths. But as I try to become more creative, I have to mentally push myself into areas that I'm not familiar with. I guess you could say, I have to evict myself from my comfort zone.