First Impressions

Written by Susan Dunn, M.A.

"People evaluate everything as they perceive it ... it is all part of preconscious processing,repparttar mind's perception and organization of information that goes on before it reaches awareness. These judgments are lightning fast inrepparttar 126274 first moment of contact betweenrepparttar 126275 world andrepparttar 126276 mind. These instantaneous evaluations create an initial predisposition that gets things off on a positive or negative footing." Dr. Joseph Bargh

When you're going for a job interview, or soliciting a new client, or interacting withrepparttar 126277 media, or giving a speech it's good to keep this quote in mind.

It's called "transference" in therapy, and refers torepparttar 126278 fact that people remind us of other people. Andrepparttar 126279 fact that that happens is something you can't control for. If you happen to remindrepparttar 126280 HR Manager of her high school English teacher that she hated, you have that going against you, and there's no way to control for that. Which makes it allrepparttar 126281 more important to control for what you can. That means take care ofrepparttar 126282 basics:

1. Dress professionally in a way that doesn't distract from you or what you have to say. Leaverepparttar 126283 sparkly earrings at home. Saverepparttar 126284 perfume for another time.
2. Use what you learned inrepparttar 126285 voice makeover. You haven't had a voice makeover? Here's one source: Very important. Who isn't onrepparttar 126286 phone all day long these days?
3. Use your EQ. Treatrepparttar 126287 person/group with respect. Rememberrepparttar 126288 social amenities. Shake hands properly--not too hard, not too soft. Inquire as to how their day is going. Say "good morning" and "nice to meet you." You knowrepparttar 126289 drill. If you don't, get an EQ coach.
4. Do your homework. Know your subject matter, knowrepparttar 126290 company if it's an interview, knowrepparttar 126291 demographics of your audience if you're going to give a speech or seminar.

Intuition: An Emotional Intelligence Competency

Written by Susan Dunn, Coach

Please feel free to distribute and reprint, includingrepparttar bio line.

Intuition is an EQ competency, that is it's considered something necessary to successful living, and something to be respected and valued. In recent years it has emerged from obscurity, even suspicion. What exactly is intuition? Main Entry: in·tu·i·tion 1 : quick and ready insight 2 a : immediate apprehension or cognition b : knowledge or conviction gained by intuition c :repparttar 126273 power or faculty of attaining to direct knowledge or cognition without evident rational thought and inference( According to Intuition magazine online, “intuition is increasingly recognized as a natural mental faculty, a key element inrepparttar 126274 creative process, a means of discovery, problem solving, and decision making. Once consideredrepparttar 126275 province of a gifted few, it is now recognized as an innate capacity available to everyone--not a rare, accidental talent, but a natural skill anyone can cultivate.” Remember those math problems you gotrepparttar 126276 correct answer for, but you didn’t get full credit because you couldn’t show your work? Intuition, Intuition magazine says, “is a key ingredient in what we call genius, and it is also an important tool when applied to everyday life.”

That having been said, from where does this almost mystical ability come?

In their amazing book, "A General Theory of Love", authors Lewis, Amini and Lannon, all doctors, agree that all of us acquire wonderfully complicated knowledge that we cannot describe, explain, or recognize.

They cite researchers Knowlton, Mangels and Squire, who devised an interesting experiment – they gave subjectsrepparttar 126277 task of predictingrepparttar 126278 weather in a simple computer model. They designedrepparttar 126279 experiment so that as unhelpful asrepparttar 126280 cues looked, they did relate lawfully torepparttar 126281 outcomes, butrepparttar 126282 relationship between cues and effects was deliberately such a complex and probabilistic function that evenrepparttar 126283 smartest person couldn’t figure it out. It was way too difficult for logic to unravel; that is, subjects would have to approach this task withoutrepparttar 126284 use ofrepparttar 126285 neocortex.

The researchers were right. No one figured it out, but that didn’t stop them from getting better atrepparttar 126286 system they couldn’t understand or describe! After just 50 trials,repparttar 126287 average subject was right 70% ofrepparttar 126288 time, which means, of course, that some were doing far better than that. What they were doing was gradually developing a feel forrepparttar 126289 situation and intuitively graspingrepparttar 126290 essence of what was going on.

We tend to believe that success can only come from understanding (viarepparttar 126291 neocortex), but in reality our marvelous brains, when presented with repetitive experiences, are able to extract unconsciouslyrepparttar 126292 rules that underlie them. “Such knowledge,” say Lewis, Amini, and Lannon, “develops with languorous ease and inevitability, stubbornly inexpressibly, never destined for translation into words.” Words being a neocortical ability.

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