Finding Sales Leads and Contacts goes Hi-Tech

Written by Dwight Stickler

Finding Sales Leads and Contacts goes Hi-Tech

Where sales people used to spend lots of time prospecting for leads and cold calling, now they can simply log on torepparttar Internet and buy, sell or even trade leads and contacts at a new website.

Run a quick search on Google and you will find over 400, 000 listings underrepparttar 127117 term "sales prospecting". Most ofrepparttar 127118 listings involve list brokers, marketing companies who supply leads and lists or actual articles on how to effectively Finding Sales Leads and Contacts goes Hi-Tech use your time to find and generate new sales leads.

Traditional sales prospecting involves making cold calls. Either by telephone or dropping in onrepparttar 127119 prospective client or customer. These are time-tested means of acquiring contacts to sell to. And they do work.

Many sales people would tell you though, that these methods usually require a lot of time and effort. In fact, when I worked as a professional sales person for a direct mail advertising company, I was spending nearly 80% of my time cold calling and qualifying leads. The majority of this time was spent trying to determine who would actually be makingrepparttar 127120 buying decision.

Although there are numerous low tech ways of dealing with this issue such as using direct mailing and telemarketing, up until now there has been few ways of networking with other sales professionals to actually exchange leads and contacts. Some networking events such as Chamber of Commerce meetings and Professional Sales Organizations "meet and greets" do allow a sales person to network with other sales persons to exchange contacts information, however,repparttar 127121 time invested in these sorts of activities could be extensive forrepparttar 127122 results.

The Power of Partnering

Written by Kelley Robertson

“Getrepparttar sale at any cost.” “Make more calls.” “Tell them what they want to hear.”

Sales professionals in virtually every industry are under tremendous pressure to close sales. It is not uncommon for them to hear comments similar to ones above from their sales manager, supervisor, or boss. But this approach does not create trust with customers and does not encourage repeat business or a lasting relationship.

A more effective approach is to develop a partnering relationship with your clients. This means working with them to help them achieve their goals and objectives. Simple in theory, this strategy requires a completely different approach. Here’s what I mean.

Inrepparttar 127116 majority of sales meetings,repparttar 127117 sales person looks for ways to position his or her product/service so thatrepparttar 127118 prospect will buy it. However, a partnering approach means putting your goals and objective aside. It means focusing 100% of your attention on your customer. It requires a self-less mindset because there are situations whenrepparttar 127119 best solution is not yours. In fact, it may mean telling your customer to contact a competitor. I experienced this just a few days before writing this article. A subscriber to my e-zine contacted me about delivering a particular service. Although I may have been able to help her, I knew someone who could better meet her requirements. It was mentally difficult, but I maderepparttar 127120 decision to refer her to my competition.

Partnering also means that you provide exceptional follow-up to ensure that your customer is completely satisfied with their purchase. This does not mean you make justrepparttar 127121 obligatory follow-up call. It means you explore their actual use of your product and/or service and help them maximize its full potential.

A client of mine was experiencing less than favorable results after implementing a new program into their business. We scheduled a follow-up meeting withrepparttar 127122 management team, because asrepparttar 127123 vendor, I knew thatrepparttar 127124 answers lay inrepparttar 127125 execution ofrepparttar 127126 program. Duringrepparttar 127127 meeting we explored several ways to improve their results and one ofrepparttar 127128 solutions required me to provide additional follow-up. Although I could have charged this client for my time, I knew that it made good business sense to absorbrepparttar 127129 cost of this follow-up because my primary objective was to help my client achieverepparttar 127130 best results possible. Subsequent meetings indicated that this investment was worth it as my client began discussing how we could take this initiative torepparttar 127131 next level.

The challenge with this concept is that most sales people want some form of instant gratification. But this approach does not offer a direct or immediate payoff forrepparttar 127132 sales person. However, from a business perspective, it makes good sense.

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