Finding Antiques And Collectibles To Sell On eBay

Written by Terry Gibbs

Many people who decide to make a living selling collectibles on eBay soon fail. I meet them inrepparttar line atrepparttar 100205 post office. They tell me they just quit their job in order to sell things full time on eBay.

I ask them, "What are you doing to find more items to sell?"

Onlyrepparttar 100206 people who can answer this question last more than a few weeks. The others soon run out of things to sell and just give up.

I got started buying trains and toys when I was in grade school.

My dad and I collected toy trains and we built up quite a collection overrepparttar 100207 years. We didn't have a lot of money so we ran ads, put signs up, handed out cards, networked and tried all kinds of methods to get people to sell us their trains to us.

We bought lots of trains and kept what we wanted then soldrepparttar 100208 rest in order to keeprepparttar 100209 cash moving.

Overrepparttar 100210 past 23 years we have refined a system that constantly generates calls. Here's a short list of ways to find and buy antiques and collectibles. These 10 strategies will get you thinking about ways to get sellers to call you.

Remember, you are always better off making someone call you rather than competing with everyone else to call a seller. My system is all about getting your phone to ring with sellers onrepparttar 100211 line.

When you go to yard sales, auctions and antique malls, you are in a race against allrepparttar 100212 other collectors and dealers. When people call you it is because you have made them think about converting their unwanted items into cash by selling them to you. You are in control.

Sure, you can go to yard sales and rely on luck. But if you are serious about selling on eBay you need to have a steady stream of collectibles coming in. You can't rely on blind luck or getting there beforerepparttar 100213 other dealers.

You need a system to get a constant stream of new items coming to you to sell.

Using Paypal for eBay Purchases

Written by Terry Gibbs

Paypal isrepparttar preferred payment choice for many buyers because Paypal allows buyers to pay instantly for eBay purchases. In this article, we will review using Paypal on eBay fromrepparttar 100204 buyer's point of view.

Since eBay purchased Paypal, it has become even easier for buyers and sellers to complete auction sales. Buyers like Paypal because they can quickly and easily pay online. In fact, some bidders will only bid on items they can pay for with Paypal.

One thing that confuses buyers is some sellers accept Paypal payments through credit cards, while others only accept transfers. You see, with Paypal a buyer can fundrepparttar 100205 transaction in three ways. This can confuse buyers, and cause problems.

Here'srepparttar 100206 three ways to fund a Paypal transaction:

1. Transfer from a bank account tied torepparttar 100207 user's Paypal account.

2. Transfer from a Paypal balance.

3. Payment from a Credit Card.

The first two options cost Paypal nothing in processing fees. Credit cards cost about 2 percent to process, and Paypal passes this cost on to merchants. Some eBay sellers do not want to pay this fee for service, so they only accept payments by transfer. This confuses buyers who win auctions and assume a credit card transaction is fine.

Paypal wants users to transfer funds, and not use their credit cards. Not only is this cheaper for Paypal, but there is no risk of a chargeback.

A chargeback is when a buyer reversesrepparttar 100208 charge on a credit card by contacting his bank. Most, maybe all, banks will reverse a credit card charge with little or no investigation ifrepparttar 100209 card holder contestsrepparttar 100210 charge. The money is taken right out ofrepparttar 100211 merchant's bank account -Paypal in this case.

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