Find a Doctor

Written by Hugo Gallegos

Find a Doctor This is usually a simple task. Open up your phone book (Yellow Pages) and look for one in your area; or ask your primary care physician for a referral to see a specialist. Better still, go online – there is an abundance of free directories listing doctors.

How to find a doctor? There’s no magical route to findingrepparttar right doctor. If you have a primary care physician just call him or her and make an appointment. If you don’t have a primary care physician, tryrepparttar 114106 route suggested above. Or, if you feel you need specialist care, you can save time and money by going directly to a specialist with your particular medical problem. Inrepparttar 114107 old days most patients would ask their primary care physician for a referral. While this is still done, more and more patients are going directly to a specialist for their medical needs.

Tips on how to look for a doctor 1. Find outrepparttar 114108 history of medical symptoms or diseases that run in your family, or ones you or your family members may currently have. 2. Once you have identifiedrepparttar 114109 problem, let’s say a history of asthma, you may want to find a primary care provider who is (double) Board Certified in “Pulmonary Disease” and “Internal Medicine.” 3. Depending on how far you are willing to travel, and what type of doctor you are searching for, look for three hospitals near your home. Then go to Google and type in their names. Most hospitals have websites which feature a physician directory. 4. If you are looking for a specialist, such as a plastic surgeon, or a dermatologist, for example, use (example) your three favorite search engines and type: “Florida Dermatologist,” or “Florida Miami Dermatologist.” You may want to switchrepparttar 114110 wording around and try a few different methods. 5. Make sure your doctor is Board Certified, and that his or her respective field of specialization is listed, by consultingrepparttar 114111 American Board of Medical Specialists official directory of specialists, published by Marquis Who’s Who. The ABMS directory is available at most public libraries, as well as hospital, university and medical libraries. 6. Next, visitrepparttar 114112 Federation of State Medical Boards (online) to see if any serious disciplinary action has been taken againstrepparttar 114113 doctor you’ve chosen.

How to Floss Your Teeth

Written by Dentistry21 Editorial Team

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The surfaces that are between teeth are not accessible to brush thereforerepparttar 114105 best way to clean them is flossing. The frequency of flossing is like brushing and ideally after each meal, but one time a day (before going to bed) isrepparttar 114106 minimum necessary.

To start, cut a piece of dental floss (approximately 2 feet). Rap both sides of

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