Financing a Business

Written by Willard Michlin

The financing of a business is a relatively straightforward process, if you are aware of what lenders are looking for and generally what they will and will not do. The will be looking at your credit, your experience andrepparttar sort of down payment you have and information about what sort of noterepparttar 136535 seller is willing to take back when selling yourepparttar 136536 business.

As has been stated,repparttar 136537 down payment on a business can be anywhere from 25% to 100% ofrepparttar 136538 selling price. Lenders will not lend you this down payment money onrepparttar 136539 business itself. You will usually need to get this money from other sources, such as your personal savings, a family member, a retirement plan or other.

Your credit should be sorted out well before you start on buying a business. You want to handle any negative reports on your credit fully. You do not want anything that is negative showing up when a lender is checking your qualifications. Negative credit reports make them nervous.

You Need a Second Income for Retirement

Written by Nick Usborne

For most of us,repparttar idea of retiring simply on our pension is not a happy prospect.

While we may have always had dreams of a retirement that is worry-free and with a few luxuries thrown in,repparttar 136515 stark reality is that our pensions will likely give us onlyrepparttar 136516 most basic living conditions, with none ofrepparttar 136517 luxuries we had hoped for.

Whether your retirement is thirty years away, ten years away or is already upon you,repparttar 136518 best guarantee of a happy future is to start building a second stream of income now.

For some this will mean creating their own business and marketing some product or service inrepparttar 136519 hope of making some big profits.

However, many of us don’t haverepparttar 136520 skills orrepparttar 136521 time to manage such an ambitious undertaking.

But we do have time to write.

If you haverepparttar 136522 skills to write a letter or a simple company memo, then you haverepparttar 136523 skills to make some money by writing.

There are many ways you can turn your words into cash. Butrepparttar 136524 one I am most familiar with isrepparttar 136525 craft of copywriting.

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