Financial Planners Garner Free Publicity by Making it Easy for the Media

Written by Ned Steele

Would you advise clients to buy a stock based onrepparttar say so of an investor relations person, or something you overheard at a restaurant? Of course not. You want to see at least some independent research before suggesting it be added to your clients' portfolios.

Media people are just as protective of their "clients,"repparttar 144464 reading and viewing public.

Your word about a new trend in investing orrepparttar 144465 latest tip for retirement planning might be enough to get a media person interested, but it usually won't be enough information for them to write a whole article or create a television segment.

Most times, they’ll need more than your timely information and juicy quotes to complete their story. They’ll need some background information such as:

Marketing-Minded Financial Planners, Don't Hold Back Information From the Media

Written by Ned Steele

Some financial planners think that they shouldn't share their top tips withrepparttar media.

I can see some validity in thinking this way. After all,repparttar 144463 media is going to deliver these tips torepparttar 144464 public at practically no charge. Then all those people who might have been paying customers won't have any use for their services.

But there's two things wrong with this:

First of all, it's true that most people are likely to use your information and never contact you. Then again, most people aren't likely to use a financial planner. The people you want to reach are that fraction that are looking, perhaps even subconsciously, for help with their investments. When they see your name inrepparttar 144465 paper, regardless ofrepparttar 144466 information it is connected to, they will think about calling you.

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