Film versus Digital for Weddings

Written by Juan Carlos Torres

As a professional Oregon wedding photographer I get this question asked more than anything else. Rarely will somebody ask me about my wedding photography education, awards, or professional memberships. I believerepparttar root to this question lies on misinformation aboutrepparttar 145852 different qualities of film and digital.


For a photographer with no computer experience or who does not want to spendrepparttar 145853 time correcting digital files film isrepparttar 145854 way to go. Film allowsrepparttar 145855 photographer to photograph a wedding or event and atrepparttar 145856 end ofrepparttar 145857 day be done withrepparttar 145858 process. Whenrepparttar 145859 time comes to printrepparttar 145860 photographsrepparttar 145861 photo lab will take care of color balance adjustments and retouching. From a technical aspect film has a wider dynamic range than digital. This means than in high contrast scenes film hasrepparttar 145862 edge. It can handle them better without blowingrepparttar 145863 highlights.


The greatest advantage for digital isrepparttar 145864 control ofrepparttar 145865 photographic process inrepparttar 145866 hands ofrepparttar 145867 artist. The photographer is not longer atrepparttar 145868 mercy ofrepparttar 145869 lab to produce a photo that reflects his inspiration and vision.

Digital allowsrepparttar 145870 photographer to shoot more frames withoutrepparttar 145871 expense of film and development, which can translate into a more complete coverage. Afterrepparttar 145872 eventrepparttar 145873 photographer simply edits outrepparttar 145874 bad photos and you asrepparttar 145875 customer end up withrepparttar 145876 best selection ofrepparttar 145877 day. The digital medium is ideal for backup. Multiple copies ofrepparttar 145878 event can simultaneously exist in different locations inrepparttar 145879 event of a catastrophe. With film there is always only one copy ofrepparttar 145880 negatives, which could be duplicated, butrepparttar 145881 second copy suffers significant quality degradation. With digital it is possible to produce different versions ofrepparttar 145882 same photo including black and white, color, sepia, etc. through a very simple process.

Improving Golf Swing

Written by Will T

There are some fundamental rules torepparttar game of golf. Serious golfers often disagree on whatrepparttar 145686 basics consist of, but if you are amongrepparttar 145687 millions who desperately want to improve their golf swing, these basic tips will help you tremendously and save you a lot of frustration.

The three most important steps you should keep in mind are to keep your head perfectly still, relax your muscles, and keep your club head traveling in a straight line while making contact withrepparttar 145688 ball. The simple act of keeping your head still throughout your shot can improve your swing immediately. By keeping your club head in a straight line while making contact withrepparttar 145689 ball, you will avoid slicing and several other undesirable results.

Relaxing your muscles will aid you tremendously in keepingrepparttar 145690 proper balance. Balance is imperative to a good golf swing. Stand comfortably so you can reachrepparttar 145691 ball easily and remember thatrepparttar 145692 muscles that propelrepparttar 145693 ball arerepparttar 145694 same muscles that twistrepparttar 145695 body and arerepparttar 145696 most powerful. No matter what stroke you are making or what club you are playing with, balance isrepparttar 145697 foundation to a good golf swing, and you must keep your muscles relaxed to achieve perfect balance. Balance really isrepparttar 145698 cure-all for many faults of golf. Think about keeping your head still and maintaining your balance at all times and you will have a foundation for an excellent golf game.

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